New this year, we will hold a community meeting on June 8 to present the Inria@SiliconValley program but also exchange about possible new initiatives to promote
even further collaborations with California. Please don't forget to register as it greatly eases the organization! The full program is available on the dedicated webpages advertised below.
This edition also features:
- The CRISP associate team that is now in its 6th year and
has led to impressive results in the area of image rendering;
- A blog post by Camille Crittenden, deputy director at
CITRIS, on the challenges for mothers in technology and hinting on how
institutions can encourage more women to persist in technical careers over the
long term;
- Information about the upcoming 37th International Summer
School of Automatic Control that is organized by researchers of the COMFORT
associate team.
- An interview published on PRIME website on engaging citizens for smart cities - Inria@SiliconValley's
research on urban software systems
Again, we look forward to seeing you in Paris at the
Inria@SiliconValley workshop and feel free to share with us information you
would like to see advertised in our newsletter!