High fidelity numerical simulations of breaking waves: transition to turbulence, drops and bubbles formation. Breaking waves modulate exchange of mass between the ocean and the atmosphere by entraining air bubbles and ejecting sea spray droplets. I will present some recent efforts in developing high fidelity numerical simulations of breaking waves at high Reynolds number, able to resolve a wide range of scales, including accurate resolution of drops and bubbles formation [1]. I will also discuss configurations on related processes, including sea spray generation by bubble bursting [2], bubble deformation and break-up in turbulence [3] and mass transfer in two-phase flows. The work leverages the open-source library Basilisk and its adaptive mesh refinement and momentum conserving scheme. [1] W. Mostert, S. Popinet and L. Deike (2021). High-resolution direct simulation of deep water breaking waves: transition to turbulence, bubbles and droplets production. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.05851.pdf [2] A. Berny, L. Deike, T. Seon and S. Popinet (2020). Role of all jet drops in mass transfer from bursting bubbles. Physical Review Fluids, 5, 033605. i C-Y Lai, J. Eggers and L. Deike, (2018). Bubble bursting: universal cavity and jet profiles. Physical Review Letters, 121, 144501. L. Deike and E. Ghabache and G. Liger-Belair and A. K. Das and S. Zaleski and S. Popinet and T. Seon. (2018) Phys. Rev. Fluids. The dynamics of jets produced by bursting bubbles, 2, 013603. [3] A. Riviere, W. Mostert, S. Perrard and L. Deike (2021). Sub-Hinze scale bubble production in turbulent bubble break-up. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. vol 917, A40.