ABSTRACT: To address the need for interoperable user representations (avatars) cross-platform exchange format for immersive realities, ISO/IEC
JTC 1/SC29/WG03 MPEG Systems has standardized a Scene Description framework in ISO/IEC 23090-14 [ISO/IEC 2023]. It serves as a baseline format for user representation format to enrich the interactive experience between 3D objects in an immersive scene. This work presents the MPEG Original Reference Geometric Avatar Neutral (Morgan), a humanoid avatar specified as informative content in the MPEG-I Scene Description (MPEG-I SD) standardization group. Morgan is a generic avatar representation that facilitates interactivity and manipulation in immersive realities and is accompanied by a complete body mesh and realistic appearance, hierarchical skeletal representation, blend shapes, eye globes, jaws with teeth and semantical representation of human body parts.

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