IBC is run at the NeuroSpin, under a medical protocol handled by CEA. It is lead by Lucie Hertz-Pannier (PI) and Bertrand Thirion (scientific investigator). The IBC team involves researchers from several labs at NeuroSpin.
- Parietal Team, Inria, CEA
- Unicog, Inserm, CEA, Collège de France
- UNIACT lab, CEA,
- UNIRS lab, CEA
The IBC team comprises:
- Bertrand Thirion
- Ana Luísa Pinho
- Gaël Varoquaux
- Juan Jesús Torre
- Swetha Shankar
- Thomas Bazeille
- Alexis Thual
- Himanshu Aggarwal
- Lucie Hertz-Pannier
- Laurence Laurier
- Christine Doublé
- Chantal Ginisty
- Yann Lecomte
- Valérie Berland
- Bernadette Martins
- Isabelle Denghien
- Evelyn Eger
- Christophe Pallier
- Stanislas Dehaene
- Alexis Amadon
- Cyril Poupon
- Jean-François Mangin
IBC is mostly funded by the Human Brain Project, a European FET Flagship project (EU FP7/2007-2013, grant agreement 604102). IBC is part of SP2.