Project meeting 23-24/06/2022


PMR project meeting 23-24/06/2022


Thursday 23/06/2022

  • 12:30 Lunch (Salle buffet, Building A)
  • 13:30 Session 1 (Salle pleniere)
    • 13:30 Jan : introduction
    • 13:45 Antoine Barczewski (40+10) : Empirical Cumulative distribution functions
    • 14:30 Jan Aelmoes : Privacy Auditing of Algorithmic Fairness via Attribute Inference Attacks
    • 15:00 Carole : The contribution of machine learning in the validation of commercial wearable sensors for gait monitoring in patients: a systematic review
  • 15:30 Coffee break (Salle pleniere)
  • 16:00 Session 2: software (Salle pleniere)
    • 16:00 Antoine Boutet : A complementary utility and privacy trade-off evaluation of Google’s FloC API
    • 16:30 Sophie : Implementation activities in medical applications
    • 17:00 Amine : Development of a mobile application for patient monitoring with federated learning
    • 17:30 : discussion
  • 19:30 Dinner (Brasserie de la paix: Place Rihour 25)


Friday 24/06/2022

  • 9:00 Session 3: security (Salle pleniere)
  • 10:30 Coffee break (Salle pleniere)
  • 11:00 Session 4 (Salle pleniere)
    • 11:00 Antoine Boutet : Privacy Assessment of Federated Learning using Private Personalized Layers
    • 11:30 Carole : Generalizable features for anonymizing motion signals based on the zeros of the Short-Time Fourier Transform
    • 12:00 Antoine Barczewski : repeated querying of hospital unit occupancy modeling patient flows as DFA.
    • 12:20 discussion
  • 12:30 Lunch (Rosso & Bianco)
  • 14:00 Session 5 (Salle pleniere)
    • Planning of next activities
    • Project administration


INRIA Lille, Batiment A (site Haute Borne), Salle pleniere




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