Team members

The LTSI (Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l’Image, INSERM U1099, Université de Rennes 1) brings a long history in computer-aided approaches for radiotherapy, including recent approaches for sCT synthesis.

The LS2N (Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes, UMR CNRS 6004, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (FR)) with expertise in domain adaptation methods for segmentation, uncertainty measures and multicenter data handling.

Steering committee

Jean-Claude NUNES, MCF HDR, LTSI Lab, IMPACT team, Rennes, project coordinator.

Diana MATEUS, PU, LS2N lab, SIMS team, Nantes.


Anaïs Barateau, Medical Physist, Centre Eugène Marquis, Rennes, LTSI.

Non permanent participants

Pauline Lekieffre, Master 1 student, UTC Compiègne (sept. 2022 – feb. 2023). CEMMTAUR funding.
Emma Collot, Master 1 student, UTC Compiègne (sept. 2022 – feb. 2023). CEMMTAUR funding.
Zahra Jenkal, Master 2 student, Univ. Rennes, EEEA parcours Signal, Vision, Ondes, Systèmes (SiVOS) (march 2023 – sept. 2023). CEMMTAUR funding.
Adélie Queffelec, Master 1 student, UTC Compiègne (sept. 2023 – feb. 2024). CEMMTAUR funding.
Songuye Han, Master 2 student, UTC Compiègne (sept. 2023 – feb. 2024). CEMMTAUR funding.
Saoussen Gharsallah, Master 2 student, UTC Compiègne (29/08/2022-17/02/2023). CEMMTAUR funding.

Blanche Texier, PhD student, Université de Rennes. ARED funding.
Cédric Hémon, PhD student, Université de Rennes. ELEKTA funding.
Safaa Tahri, PhD student, Université de Rennes. ARED funding.

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