- Transfer Restless Multi-Armed Bandit Policy for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Cellular Network
- Adaptive Wavelet Packet Modulation
- QoS driven Channel Selection Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Network: Multi-User Multi-armed Bandit Approach
- Wavelet modulation: An alternative modulation with low energy consumption
- A Necessary Condition for Waveforms with Better PAPR than OFDM
- L’optimalité de l’OFDM en termes de performance en PAPR
- A Necessary Condition for Designing Waveforms with better PAPR than OFDM
- QoS driven Channel Selection Algorithm for Opportunistic Spectrum Access
- Procédé d’accès opportuniste au spectre
- Low Complexity and Efficient Decentralized Spectrum Learning and Access With Tunable Bandwidth for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks
- TACT: A Transfer Actor-Critic Learning Framework for Energy Saving in Cellular Radio Access Networks
- Understanding the Nature of Social Mobile Instant Messaging in Cellular Networks. (Top 2 Most Frequently Downloaded Articles in IEEE Communications Letters, Feb. 2014)
- Spatial Modeling of the Traffic Density in Cellular Networks
- Reciprocally Opportunistic Spectrum Access
- Opportunistic Spectrum Access Learning Proof of Concept
- The Predictability Analysis of Cellular Networks Traffic: From Entropy Theory to Networking Practice
- Linear-Phase VDF Design With Unabridged Bandwidth Control Over the Nyquist Band
- Reconfigurable Filter Bank With Complete Control Over Subband Bandwidths for Multistandard Wireless Communication Receivers
- Adaptive Multi-task Compressive Sensing for Localisation in Wireless Local Area Networks. (Top 5 in the Most Frequently Downloaded Articles in IET Commun., September 2014)
- Predicting Spectrum Occupancies Using a Non-Stationary Hidden Markov Model
- Efficient Decentralized Dynamic Spectrum Learning and Access Policy for Multi-standard Multi-user Cognitive Radio Networks
- Dynamic Spectrum Access with Tunable Bandwidth fro Multi-standard Cognitive Radio Receivers
- Reconfiguration Management on FPGA Platform for Cognitive Radio
- Intelligent Base Stations Management in Greener Traffic-aware Cellular Networks
- Linear Phase Filter Bank Design with Unbridged Control over Bandwidth and Center Frequency of Subbands
- RSS-based Clusering of Mobile Terminals for Localization in Wireless Networks
- Mobile Terminals Clustering for Green Radio Applications
- A Game-Theoretic Approach for Optimal Base Stations Sleeping in Green Cellular Networks
- An Adaptive Scheme for Data Forwarding in Software Defined Network
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Base Stations in Cellular Networks
- An Approximate Algorithm of Controller Configuration in Multi-domain SDN Architecture
- Service-oriented Cross-layer Management for Software-defined Cellular Networks
- Two-tier Spatial Modeling of Base Stations in Cellular Networks
- Reconfigurable Filter Bank With Complete Control Over Subband Bandwidths for Multistandard Wireless Communication Receivers
- Closed-form Approximations of the PAPR Distribution for Multi-Carrier Modulation Systems
- Human Mobility Patterns in Cellular Networks (Top 11 Most Frequently Downloaded Articles in IEEE Communications Letters, November 2013)
- On the Road towards Green Radio
- Downlink Interference Minimization in Cooperative Cognitive LTE-Femtocell Networks
- Special Issue on Green Radio
- Combined learning for resource allocation in autonomous heterogeneous cellular networks
- Downlink Interference Minimization in Cognitive LTE-Femtocell Networks
- Efficient Spectrum Sensing For Green Cognitive Radio Using Low Complexity Reconfigurable Fast Filter Bank
- Blind Free Band Detector Based on the Sparsity of the Cyclic Autocorrelation Function
- Reciprocal Learning for Cognitive Medium Access
- Blind Wireless Standard Identification for Green Radio Communications
- Improving Energy Efficiency in Green Femtocell Networks: A Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Framework
- On the Cooperation between Cognitive Radio Users and Femtocell Networks for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Self-Organization
- Compressive Sensing Based Overhead Reduction Scheme in Multi-antenna Downlink Management
- Detection of Primary User Emulation Attacks Based on Compressive Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Hard Combining Based Energy Efficient Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network
- Reciprocity Inspired Learning for Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Un détecteur aveugle de signaux de télécomunications base sur la parcimonie de la fonction d’autocorrélation cyclique
- Combined Learning for Energy Efficiency in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
- Is OFDM an Optimal Multi-Carrier Modulation System in Terms of PAPR Performance?
- A PAPR upper bound of generalized waveforms for multi-carrier modulation systems