

We are members of the three following funded projects.

  • EU project Polifonia, A digital harmonizer for musical heritage knowledge (H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS, 2021-2025) on linked data for the valorization of European musical heritage.
    It involves the CNAM, Bologna Université (Italy, Valentina Presutti PI), The Open University (UK), Vrije Universiteit (Pays-Bas), NUI Galway (Irlande), IReMus (France), Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Pays-Bas), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Pays-Bas), Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi (Italie), Istituto Centrale del Catalogo e della Documentazione (Italie), Digital Paths (Italie).
  • National project CollabScore (ANR 2021-2025) on Optical Music Recognition and collaborative correction, involving Cedric Lab/CNAM (coordinator), Irisa, IReMus (CNRS/SU), BnF (French National Library), two libraries of Fondation Royaumont, and the company Metronaut (formerly Antescofo).
  • We are a funded external partner of the Japan national project Kakenhi on Automatic music transcription based on formal language theory (JSPS Foundation, 2020-2025), involving Sakai Lab at Nagoya University and Tojo Lab at JAIST, Kanazawa.

Other collaborations

Besides the partner of the above projects, we are also collaborating on topics related to Codex with members of the following institutions.

  • Algomus group, Cristal Lab, Lille, in particular, Mathieu Giraud, about the computation of edit-distance for melodic similarity evaluation.
  • Friedrich Eisenbrand, chair of Discrete Optimization, and Martin Rohrmeir, DCML, at EPFL about computational musicology techniques based on parsing.
  • we are also in contact with Rémi Goasdoué, and Jean-Paul Despax, EDA, Paris-Cité / Paris-Descartes University, about the  PhD of the latter, supervised by the former, on musical ear training, based on the digitalization of analysis of a corpus of examination tests from the french national conservatory of music (CNSMDP).



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