Corese is used, and has been used, as Semantic Web Factory in several applications.
1. Kolflow: Distributed Semantic Wiki
2. ISICIL: Semantic Web and Social Web for Technological Watch
3. e-WOK HUB: Environment Web Ontology Knowledge Hub, 2006-2008
4. RBP: Genomics RDF Graph Query and Navigation with Immunosearch and IPMC
5. KMP: Knowledge Management Platform at Sophia Antipolis, RNRT project 2003-2004 and 2004-2005, DRIRE 2005-2006.screenshot 1 – screenshot 2 – screenshot 3 – screenshot 4 – screenshot 5 KMP Project
6. Ligne de Vie: Patient Medical Record with ontologies and viewpoints, with Nautilus Corp. 2003-2004. screenshot
European Projects
1. Palette: Pedagogically sustained Adaptative LEarning Through the exploitation of Tacit and Explicit knowledge. (2006-2008)
2. SevenPro: Semantic Virtual Engineering Environment for Product Design (2006-2008)
3. SeaLife: Semantic Grid Browser for the Life Sciences Applied to the Study of Infectious Diseases (2006-2008)
4. Comma: COrporate Memory Management through Agents, 2000-2001.
Industry Grants
1. Orange Labs: Semantic Social Network Analysis, Cifre PhD Grant, 2008-2010
2. Philips-NXP: KM2 : Knowledge Management 2005-2006
3. EADS (Corporate Research Center) : Collaboration on a prototype of Corporate Semantic Web on Knowledge Management for an Industrial Research Center. 2003-2004. screenshot 1 – screenshot 2 – screenshot 3
4. Renault: Samovar car design project memory, 2000-2002
Academic Grants
1. Corese (3) KGRAM INRIA ADT, 2013-2015
2. SemanticWebImport: Semantic Graph Visualization using Gephi & Corese, INRIA ADT, 2011-2012
3. Corese (2) INRIA ADT, 2005-2007
4. Corese (1) INRIA ODL, 2002-2004
5. CSTB : Agent software for the Web mining: Application in the science-technology watch (monitoring)
6. Desir: Annotation of R Scripts with INRA Montpellier, INRIA Color
7. Edcaeteras: Comparing Semantic Distances, INRIA Color
8. Meat : Bioinformatics with IPMC : describing experiments with DNA microarrays screenshot INRIA Color
9. WebLearn: Semantic Web for eLearning, CNRS AS 149 & INRIA Color
10. Aprobatiom : project with CSTB, design documents management, 2001 screenshot INRIA Color
11. Escrire project : Inria cooperation with Orpailleur and Exmo teams to compare objects, description logics and conceptual graphs for document content model, 2001-2002 screenshot INRIA ARC
1. Mnemotix
2. Liganz: Shopping Engine
4. Ginseng ANR project
5. VIP ANR Project: Virtual Imaging Platform, Modalis I3S CNRS UNS
6. NeuroLOG ANR Project: Medical Imaging, Modalis I3S CNRS UNS
7. Elico ANR Project: Annotation semi-automatique des déterminants de la langue française & outil d’interrogation sémantique du corpus
8. Contextual Information Retrieval in Research Articles
9. IGN Cogit: Cartography Problem Solving (Master Thesis)
10. INRA Semantic Graphs For Traceability SG4T
11. INRA: Gestion de données et de connaissances appliquées aux bioprocédés
12. LIPN: Ontorule EU Project
13. U. of Trento: Semantic-web based framework for adaptive selection of learning objects during the authoring process
14. Telecom Bretagne: Exploiting Semantic Web Techniques for Representing and Utilising Folksonomies
15. U. Nagoya: Visual Semantic Query for document retrieval (Villavicencio & Watanabe)
16. U. Hanoi: Integrating a Graphical Semantic Query Tool and a SVG-based knowledge presentation method in a Knowledge Management System,
17. I3S CNRS UNS: Kewi & Modalis, SATIS, Semantically Annotated Intentions for Services,
18. Aim@Shape: INRIA Galaad team 2004-2006.
19. Eric, Lyon: Integration of metadata in data mining,
20. EADS & OW2: WebLab Platform
21. I3S CNRS UNS, Mainline: eLearning,
22. Free U. Brussels: Semantic Services Discovery in .NET,
23. UTT Tech Cico: Project Memory
24. CETU: Centre d’étude des tunnels du Ministère de l’Equipement
Academic Applications
1. Discovery Hub with Alcatel Bell Lucent.
2. Linked Data Navigator using STTL
3. STTL SPARQL Template Transformation Language for RDF
4. Semantic Annotation of ancient text in Zoomathia
5. Bibliography Display
6. Federated Distributed SPARQL Queries with I3S CNRS
7. Natural Language Query Answering: QAKIS
8. RIF2SPARQL compiler and interpreter
9. R2RML draft implementation
10. Access Right Management, Isicil & Datalift
11. Social Webmarks, Isicil, Master Thesis
12. KGRAM SPARQL 1.1 Query & Update W3C Test Case
13. Semantic Web Services in Corporate Memories, M. Lo
14. ECCO Contextual Collaborative Ontology Editor
15. RDF XML Source Declaration, W3C Member submission, was designed and implemented using Corese
16. Sewese : Semantic Web Server Factory
17. SweetWiki : Semantic Web Enabled Technologies for Wikis
18. EcoAgents : Collaboration with University of Santiago, Chile, departement of economics 2003-2004. Representation of informations from ISIC standard into RDF and exploitation with Corese, funded by Conicyt.
19. Sudoku Solver
PhD Thesis
1. Community Ontology for Social Semantic Web, Papa Fary Diallo, Inria, U. Gaston Berger St Louis Senegal.
2. Parallelism for Distributed Query Processing, Abdoul Macina, Modalis & Wimmics, I3S, INRIA
3. Federation of heterogeneous data, Franck Michel, Modalis, I3S
4. Emotion modelization and detection, Franck Berthelon, UNS
5. Usage Semantics of Analytics and Business Intelligence, Corentin Follenfant with SAP
6. Collaborative Multilingual Management of Interlingual Knowledge Bases, Maxime Lefrançois UNS
7. Mobile Access for the Web of Data, Luca Costabello, INRIA
8. Pervasive Sociality through Social Objects, Nicolas Marie with Alcatel Lucent
9. Explanations for the Semantic Web, Rakebul Hasan, Kolflow ANR Project
10. Rules for the Web of Data, Oumy Seye, INRIA & U. Gaston Berger Senegal
11. Index for RDF Graph Store, Adrian Basse, INRIA & U. Gaston Berger Senegal
12. SPARQL Query Distribution, Alban Gaignard at I3S CNRS UNS
13. Semantics and Web Service, Jérémie Doucy at Cassidian (EADS)
14. Semantics for GUI Composition, Christian Brel, Rainbow team, I3S CNRS UNS
15. Social Network Analysis, Guillaume Erétéo with Orange Labs
16. Social tagging, from folksonomies to ontologies and thesaurus, Freddy Limpens
17. Extraction of contextual annotations from text, Noureddine Mokhtari
18. eLearning, Amel Yessad
19. WebDocAnnot: Semantic and Adaptative Approach to Annotate HTML Documents, Mouhamadou Thiam at LRI
20. Constraints modeling, K. Bouzidi at CSTB with Kewi I3S CNRS UNS
21. Constraints modeling, A. Yurchyshyna at CSTB with Kewi I3S CNRS UNS
22. A Rule-based Approach for Semantic Annotation Evolution, Phuc-Hiep Luong
23. Ontologie de partage de données et d’outils de traitement dans le domaine de la neuroimagerie, Lynda Temal
24. Web sémantique et mémoire d’expériences pour l’analyse du transcriptome, Khaled Khelif
25. Exploitation du Web sémantique pour la veille technologique, with CSTB, T. Cao
26. QBLS : Question Based Learning System for eLearning S. Dehors.
27. Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management: ontologies and multi-agent systems for a corporate semantic web, F. Gandon
28. Exploitation des ontologies pour la mémoire d’un projet-véhicule, Méthode et outil Samovar, J. Golebiowska
Semantic Web Education
1. Semantic Web MOOC
2. PolyTech’Nice-Sophia Antipolis
3. IUT Nice
4. U. Nantes
5. U. Gaston Berger Saint Louis, Sénégal
6. JDEV CNRS 2013
7. ENSI Bourges
8. Ecole des Mines de Nancy
9. Institut Galilée, U. Paris XIII
10. U. Lille
11. U. La Réunion
12. U. Corse
13. SemWeb Pro 2011
14. Tutorial Paris Web 2010
15. Tutorial IC 2009
16. Tutorial EGC 2008