- Drew Paine will visit Avalon and Myriads teams on December 12-20, 2017 to share his experience
on the user centric design approach in scientific workflows. - Christine Morin and Subharna Chatterjee will visit the DST department respectively from November
29th to December 5th and from December 3rd to December 8th, 2017 to work on data stream
processing in the context of scientific applications. - Deb Agarwal was hosted by Myriads team from August 1st and October 15th 2017 in the framework
of her Inria International Chair. - Christine Morin, Deb Agarwal, Frédéric Suter participated to the BIS 2017 workshop held in Berkeley
in June 2017. - Frédéric Suter visited LBNL in June 2017, where he met with several scientists and DST members.
- Christine Morin visited LBNL from May 28th to June 8th to jointly work with Deb Agarwal and
Lavanya Ramakrishnan on distributed support for workflow and data management. She attended
the FluxNet workshop on June 7th, 2017. - Amir Teshome Wonjiga did a 3-month internship in the DST department under Sean Peisert supervision
from April 1st to June 30th, 2017. - Christine Morin visited LBNL from November 14th to November 18th to jointly work with Deb
Agarwal and Lavanya Ramakrishnan on distributed support for workflow and data management. - On November 15th, 2016, Cédric Tedeschi had a meeting with members of the DST department
(including Devarshi Ghoshal, William Fox, Gonzalo Rodrigo Alvarez) at SC16 where he presented
a demo of GinFlow software on the Inria booth.Anna Giannakou did a 3-month internship in the DST department under Sean Peisert supervision
from August 1st to November 1st, 2016. - Deb Agarwal, Frédéric Suter and Christine Morin participated to a meeting at ESRF on June 27,
2016 to investigate potential joint collaborations on scientific data management. - Christine Morin, Deb Agarwal, Frédéric Suter participated to the BIS 2016 workshop held in Paris
in June 2016. Deb Agarwal gave a keynote entitled “Developing an Understanding of Ecosystems
and Energy-Water Interactions Through Data”. - David Brown, head of the Computational Research Division the DST department is part of at LBNL, visited Inria Grenoble – Rhône Alpes in May 2016 and met several Inria teams in Lyon and Grenoble.
- Deb Agarwal visited Myriads team during 2 months in May-June 2016 in the framework of her Inria International Chair.
- Deb Agarwal visited Myriads team November 17-28 2015 to participate in the IRISA event on data science and to jointly work with Christine Morin and Arnab Sinha on the mobile app for field data collection. Deb Agarwal and Christine Morin met the ICOS community in Prague during this visit.
- Christine Morin visited the DST department from October 7 to October 13 2015 for a working meeting on joint research activities.
- David Brown, head of the Computational Research Division the DST department is part of at LBNL, visited Inria Rennes and Inria Saclay in the first week of July 2015. He gave a seminar in both places and met several teams including Myriads.
- Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Christine Morin, Deb Agarwal, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Val Hendrix participated to BIS 2015 workshop in Berkeley. Lavanya Ramakrishnan presented DALHIS results on the Tigres / GinFlow integration.
- Deb Agarwal visited Myriads team during 2 months and a half from beginning of May 2015 in the framework of her Inria International Chair.
- Christine Morin visited the DST department at LBL from March 30 to April 2nd, 2015 to work on the scientific data ecosystem.
- Deb Agarwal visited Myriads team on February 23-24, 2015 for a DALHIS technical meeting. In particular, we reviewed the latest developments on the HOCL-WMS system. She could see a demo of this system fully integrated with TIGRES workflow system. Experiments with real applications from LBL have been planned.
- A DALHIS technical meeting was organized on November 19th, 2014, co-located with SC’14 in New Orleans. The main goal of the meeting was to
plan for future joint research directions. Moreover Javier Rojas Balderrama presented a demo integrating the latest developments of the HOCL-WMS system for supporting Tigres templates. Participants were Lavanya Ramakrishnan (LBNL) and Christine Morin, Anne-Cecile Orgerie, Javier Rojas Balderrama
(Myriads). - Matthieu Simonin and Cédric Tedeschi visited LBNL from August 4th to August 8th 2014.
- Deb Agarwal, Christine Morin, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Javier Rojas Balderrama and Cédric Tedeschi participated in the BIS 2014 workshop held in Paris from June 17th to June 19th, 2014.
- Deb Agarwal visited Myriads team from June 12th to June 16th 2014.
- Eugen Feller visited the Myriads team from March 31st to April 7th 2014.
- Eugen Feller visited the Myriads team from January 7th to January 10th 2014.
- Christine Morin visited the ACS department from the 22nd till 25th November 2013.
- Eugen Feller visited the Myriads Inria project team from the 23rd till 27th September 2013.
- Djawida Dib visited the ACS department from the 26th till 28th June 2013.
- Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Cédric Tedeschi from the Myriads Inria project-team visited LBNL as part of the first joint face to face meeting from the 22th till 24th May 2013. This joint meeting this collocated with the BIS 2013 workshop.
- Eugen Feller visited the Inria Myriads Inria project-team from the 8th till 19th March 2013.