Deb Agarwal’s third visit in Myriads team

Deb Agarwal visited Myriads team from August 1st to October 15th, 2017. It was her third visit in Myriads team in the framework of her Inria international chair.

DALHIS renewal

We are pleased to announce that DALHIS Inria associate team has just been renewed for the 2016-2018 period.

Participation in BIS 2015 workshop held in Berkeley

DALHIS associate team was well represented at the annual Inria@SiliconValley workshop that took place in Berkeley in May 2015. Lavanya Ramakrishnan presented an overview of DALHIS associate team activities and a focus on our joint work on scientific workflows based on HOCL chemical runtime and Tigres workflow language.

Deb Agarwal moderated the panel on Big Data Science with Laura Grigori (Inria) on the first day of the workshop and Christine Morin chaired one of the keynote sessions on the same day.

Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Val Hendrix (Data Science and Technology Department, LBL) also participated in the workshop.

Deb Agarwal first sabbatical visit in Myriads team over

Deb Agarwal spent more than two months in Myriads team at Inria in the May-July 2015 period. This first long visit in Myriads team took place in the framework of the Inria International Chair program. Deb has been awarded an Inria International chair for the 2015-2019 period.

During her first visit, we jointly work on an integrated workflow engine using HOCL runtime developed at Inria  and Tigres workflow langage developed at LBL. We also worked on energy-efficient execution of data-intensive workflows in clouds. We initiated joint work on a mobile app for flux data collection in the framework of the fluxnet initiative.

Deb Agarwal International Chair at Inria

Deb Agarwal, senior scientist at Berkeley National Lab and head of the Data Science and Technology department, has been awarded an Inria International Chair for the 2015-2019 period. Her first long visit to Myriads research team at Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique is planned in May-June 2015.

End of sabbatical

Christine Morin (Inria) has returned to France in August 2013 after two wonderful years at the LBNL ACS department.

First joint workshop

The first DALHIS workshop took place from the 22 to 24th May 2013 at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. As part of this workshop Anne-Cécile Orgerie and Cédric Tedeschi from the Inria Myriads project-team visited LBNL. Anne-Cécile Orgerie also gave a presentation of her work at the ACS department meeting.

Kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting for the associate team took place on February 15th 2013. Twelve researchers are involved in DALHIS associate team.

A postdoc joining DALHIS

Eugen Feller joined the DALHIS associate team. Eugen is supported by the Inria@SiliconValley postdoctoral program. He is hosted by the Data Intensive Systems group of the LBNL ACS department.

Team creation

The team is now officially created. Congratulation to all its members!