- Kickoff meeting — Inria Paris, Paris, 25th October 2017.
- Project meeting by videoconference — 4th April 2018.
- Project meeting — Batîment IMAG, Saint-Martin-d’Hères, 31st May 2018.
- Presentation of ELKER by Manuel Atencia and Jérôme David at the workshop Données liées et données à lier : quels outils pour quels alignements ? — Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, 19th July 2018.
- Project meeting — Inria Nancy Grand Est, Nancy, 12th November 2018.
- Workshop on Symbolic Methods for Data Interlinking, co-located at EKAW 2018 — Inria Nancy Grand Est, Nancy, 12th November 2018.
- Jérôme Euzenat presented “Relational concept analysis for link key extraction” at Workshop on Symbolic Methods for Data Interlinking — Inria Nancy Grand Est, Nancy, 12th November 2018.
- Project meeting — Inria Paris, Paris, 9th May 2019.
- Presentation of the paper “Linkex: a tool for link key discovery based on pattern structures” by Nacira Abbas at the Journée thématique EGC & IA : découverte de connaissances dans le Web de données — Batîment DIGITEO, Orsay, 10th May 2019.
- Presentation of the paper “Linkex: a tool for link key discovery based on pattern structures” by Nacira Abbas at Workshop on Applications and Tools of Formal Concept Analysis — Frankfurt, Germany, 25th June 2019.
- Presentation of the paper “Decentralized reasoning on a network of aligned ontologies with link keys” by Chan Le Duc at ISWC 2019 — The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 28th October 2019.
- Presentation of the paper “ A guided walk into link key candidate extraction with relational concept analysis” by Jérôme Euzenat at ISWC 2019 — The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 28th October 2019.
- Presentation of the paper “Several link keys are better than one, or Extracting disjunctions of link key candidates” by Jérôme David at K-CAP 2019 — Marina del Rey, California, United States, 20th November 2019.
- Project meeting by videoconference — 9th June 2020.
- Online video presentation of the paper “Discovery of link keys in RDF data based on pattern structures: Preliminary steps” by Nacira Abbas at CLA 2020 — 29th June – 1st July, 2020.
- Presentation of the paper “Decentralized reasoning on a network of aligned ontologies with link keys” by Chan Le Duc at the Journées RoD (Raisonner sur les Données) — Videoconference, 6th July 2020.
- Presentation of the paper “Several link keys are better than one, or Extracting disjunctions of link key candidates” by Jérôme David at the Journées RoD (Raisonner sur les Données) — Videoconference, 6th July 2020.
- Presentation of the paper “Discovery of link keys in RDF data based on pattern structures: Preliminary steps” by Nacira Abbas at BDA 2020 — Videoconference, 29th October, 2020.
- Project meeting by videoconference – 20th November 2020.