
Welcome on the FTV360 website. It is dedicated to our new multi-view video capture system based on 360° cameras. The sequences acquired by such a scheme are made for free viewpoint navigation of users in the scene.

All the data and codes shared on this website were developed by the SIROCCO team of Inria (Center of Rennes-Bretagne-Atlantique).

You can read all the information regarding the capture process here.

The data made available in the following pages are shared for research purpose only:

Get the video datasets

Get our calibration toolkit and the calibration data

See an example of our dataset usage, where a client is picking successively some recorded views. The two sequences are: “Hide-and-Seek” and “Warming”.


If you use any material (videos, codes) shared on this website for research purposes, please cite the following paper:

Thomas Maugey, Laurent Guillo, Cédric Le Cam, FTV360: a Multiview 360-degree Video Dataset with Calibration Parameters, ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, June 2019

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