Code and Data

We have published code and data for most of our projects.

For most Image-Based Rendering project, our code is distributed as a project of SIBR (; datasets are usually given in the corresponding space on the FUNGRAPH fileserver.

For the publication « Hybrid Image-based Rendering for Free-view Synthesis » code and data are provided on the project page:

For the publication « Glossy Probe Reprojection for Interactive Global Illumination » code and data are provided on the project page:

For the publication « Multi-view relighting using geometry and deep learning« , code and data are provided on the project page:

For the publication « Image-Based Rendering of Cars using Semantic Labelling« , code and data are provided on the project page:

For the publication « Flexible SVBRDF Capture with a Multi-Image Deep Network« , code and data are provided on the project page:

For the publication « Guided Fine-Tuning for Large-Scale Material Transfer« , code and data are provided on the project page:

For the publication « Practical Product Path Guiding Using Linearly Transformed Cosines » code is available here:

For the publication FreeStyleGAN: Free-view Editable Portrait Rendering with the Camera Manifold code is available here:

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