The glove evolution

(Français) Gant en cuir Exofinger V2Exofinger leather glove

First prototype The first version takes all fingers into account and is made of elastic jersey fabric. But after some discussions with Bastien, this solution appears unusable. A priori, only the thumb will be instrumented. Version 1 The pattern was designed in advance from a propulsion glove sent by Bastien,…

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HLI : the genesis

Exofinger Fabrikarium proto

Participating in the second edition of the Fabrikarium, organized by MyHumanKit and Ariane Group, from October 20 to 22, 2020 in Rennes, France, was an opportunity to concretize the exchanges between HumanLab in Rennes and INRIA’s CAMIN and SED teams in Grenoble. This event consists of bringing together a multidisciplinary…

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