- 16 March 2017: Project kick-off meeting
- 14-17 March 2017: L. Tournier visits Inria Sophia Antipolis
- March 2017: arrival of John Tassone, engineer at iBV
- October 2017: arrival of Eleni Firippi, PhD student at Inria Sophia
- October 2017: arrival of Ousmane Diop, PhD student at Inra Maiage
- January 2018: an ICycle presentation at ComplexDays, Nice
- February 2018: joint paper published in Frontiers in Physiology
- May 2018: M. Chaves visits Inra Jouy-en-Josas
- June 2018: F. Delaunay gives a Colloquium on clock genes
- July 2018: Project annual meeting at Inria Sophia Antipolis
- June-December 2019: ICycle results presented at a number of International Conferences:
ECC19-European Control Conf.,
FOSBE19-Conf. Foundations f Systems Biology in Engineering,
CDC19-Conf. Decision and Control,
CSBio19-Conf. Computational Systems Biology and Bioinformatics - October 2019: joint paper published in J. Theoretical Biology