Journée 2023

November 20, 2023

IFP Energies nouvelles, Amphithéâtre Dahlias, 1 av. de Bois-Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison (to obtain your badge d’accès, please bring an ID). How to come: please see here.


9h45-10h05 :                    Accueil autour d’un café

10h05-10h15 :                 Introduction

10h15-10h45 :                 Sampling criteria for excursion set estimation on multi-output models, Clément Duhamel, Céline Helbert, Miguel Munoz Zuniga, Clémentine Prieur, Delphine Sinoquet

10h45-11h15 :                 Computing catalytic reaction times and paths with machine learning and rare events sampling methods, Thomas Pigeon, Pascal Raybaud, Tony Lelièvre, Manuel Corral Valero, Ani Anciaux-Sedrakian, Maxime Moreaud, Gabriel Stoltz

11h15-11h45 :                 Pause-café

11h45-12h15 :                 Intégration de modèles d’apprentissage dans les codes de calculs : comment améliorer les performances tout en garantissant la précision ?, Thibault Faney, Antoine Lechevallier, Frédéric Nataf

12h15-12h45 :                 La méthode des éléments finis multiéchelles : description et implémentation non-intrusive, Frédéric Legoll, Rutger Biezemans, Claude Le Bris, Alexei Lozinski

12h45-14h15 :                 Déjeuner

14h15-14h45 :                 Detecting the low-dimensional structure of inverse problems via dimension reduction, Olivier Zahm

14h45-15h15 :                P1-bubble VEM method for a mixed-dimensional poromechanical model with frictional contact at matrix-fracture interfaces, Ali Haidar, Roland Masson

15h15-15h45 :               Pause-café

15h45-16h15 :               Paracirce: a parallel implementation of the circulant embedding method for the generation of Gaussian Random Fields, Géraldine Pichot, Simon Legrand, Michel Kern, Nathanael Tepakbong-Tematio

16h15-16h45 :               Adaptive models for nonlinear flows in highly heterogeneous porous media, Francesco Patacchini, Alessio Fumagalli, Géraldine Pichot

16h45-16h50 :              Conclusion

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