
New Horizons in Computational Geometry and Topology

Inria, Sophia Antipolis (France)
September 5-6, 2019



Thank you to all who attended this Conference in honour of Jean-Daniel Boissonnat!

This two-day event brought together twenty seven invited talks given by leading researchers working in the field of computational geometry and topology.

The first day provided an overview of algorithmic geometry and topology, discussing its foundations, evolution and new research directions. On the second day, the guests discussed the geometric problems arising in some major scientific fields, then former PhD students and collaborators will talked about their work or collaboration with Jean-Daniel.

It was a wonderful occasion to celebrate his brilliant career at Inria, who has inspired the development of these fields for almost 40 years…

Videos from all presentations are now available online from the Program page.


Pierre Alliez
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat
Frédéric Cazals
Frédéric Chazal
Bernard Chazelle
David Cohen-Steiner
Olivier Devillers
Arijit Ghosh
Jean-Paul Laumond
André Lieutier
Clément Maria
Claire Mathieu


Kurt Mehlhorn
Jean-Pierre Merlet
Jean-Marie Mirebeau
Frank Nielsen
Steve Oudot
Pierre Pansu
Jean-Philippe Pons
Monique Teillaud
Mathijs Wintraecken
Mariette Yvinec



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