Montpellier meeting

Boumédiène Benyahia and Amine Hadj Abdelkader had visited the Modemic team from the 16th to the 20th December 2013. In addition to ongoing research, we discussed the implementation of training in Tlemcen university and the recruitment of two new students that we will start a PhD in co-supervising.

Franco-Algerian meeting in Narbonne

A meeting was organized in Narbonne from the 23 to the 26 September 2013 within the framework of the academic cooperation between France and Algeria via the call for proposals of the French Institute of Algeria (IFA) and the higher education center and research (pôle enseignement supérieur et recherche).

NuWat presented at the LIRIMA meeting

The NuWat project has been presented at the LIRIMA meeting in Rabat (Maroc).

NuWat is launched

The 4th March 2103, the NuWat project has been accepted by the LIRIMA board.


The NuWat project is submitted.