Team members

The consortium involves the following people and teams:

  • Empenn U1228 (Inria/Inserm/CNRS/UR1)
    • Elise Bannier, IR CHU Rennes
    • Julie Coloigner, CR CNRS
    • Isabelle Corouge, IR Univ.Rennes
    • Claire Cury, CR Inria
    • Pierre Maurel, PR Univ.Rennes
    • Camille Muller, PostDoc Univ.Rennes
    • Caroline Pinte, PhD student, Univ.Rennes
  • BRAIn Team (Lab-STICC UMR CNRS / IMT Atlantique)
    • Nicolas Farrugia, MCF IMT
    • Giulia Lioi, MCF IMT
    • Alix Lamouroux, PhD student, IMT
  • HYBRID Team (Inria/IRISA)
    • Anatole Lécuyer, DR Inria
    • Marc Macé, CR CNRS
    • Léa Pillette, CR CNRS
    • François Le Jeune, Post-doc Inria
  • Rehabilitation Dept. CHU Rennes
    • Isabelle Bonan, PU-PH
    • Simon Buter, PH

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