
Current version

The current version is QUAIL 2.0.

Binary package

The package includes the following content:
|– dist/Quail.jar : QUAIL program
|– dist/lib/antlr-3.4-complete.jar : ANTLRv3 library
|– dist/commons-math3-3.0.jar : Common Math library
|– examples/ : a selection of QUAIL programs
|– quail :  a Bash script that launch the tool from the console.
|– quail.bat : a Batch script that launch the tool from the console.
|– quail.config : a configuration file that can be edited.

Sources package

The package includes the following content:
|– src/ : Java sources
|   |– Makefile
|   |– preprocessor : compiler sources
|   |   |– Preprocessor.g : ANTLR grammar
|   |– quail : analyzer sources
|– build
|   |– classes
|   |   |– manifest.txt
|– dist/lib/antlr-3.4-complete.jar : ANTLRv3 library
|– dist/commons-math3-3.0.jar : Common Math library
|– examples/ : a selection of QUAIL programs
|– quail :  a Bash script that launch the tool from the console.
|– quail.bat : a Batch script that launch the tool from the console.
|– quail.config : a configuration file that can be edited.
|– Makefile : main Makefile

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