Monday July 2nd 2018
Stéphanie Salmon, Univ. Reims.

Title: Numerical models to study the cerebrospinal system Abstract: Recent studies have shown that blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow in the cranial system plays an important role in the the proper functioning of our brain. The complexity of the dynamics of these flows complicates the understanding of certain pathologies. A…


Monday june 18th 2018
Christian Kreuzer, T.U. Dortmund.

Title: Convergence of adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods Abstract: Consulting the unprecedented developments of convergence and optimality theory of conforming adaptive finite element methods during the last two decades, the strict Dörfler marking and the resulting reduction of some error quantity appears to be fundamental for most of the results. A…


Monday may 28th 2018
Gabriele Ciaramella, Univ. Constance

Title: Analysis of the parallel Schwarz method for growing chains of fixed-sized subdomains Abstract: A new class of Schwarz methods was recently presented in the literature for the solution of solvation models, where the electrostatic energy contribution to the solvation energy can be computed by solving a system of elliptic…


Monday may 14th 2018
Nina Aguillon, LJLL & Projet Ange Inria

Title (in French): Optimisation de procédés pour la production de microalgues Abstract: L’équipe ANGE a un partenariat avec l’équipe INRIA Biocore (Nice) portant sur l’étude de microalgues, avec la perspective de mieux comprendre cette biomasse et ses possibles applications dans le domaine de l’énergie. Ces microalgues peuvent être cultivées sur…


Monday march 19 th 2018
Patrick Hild, Toulouse 3 Univ.

Title: Une méthode de Nitsche pour les problèmes de contact en dynamique Abstract: les problèmes de contact en mécanique des solides font intervenir des contraintes de type inégalités pouvant être traitées avec des multiplicateurs de Lagrange, des inéquations variationnelles ou de la pénalisation par exemple. Dans cet exposé nous adaptons…


Monday 5th March 2018
Annabelle Collin (ENSEIRB-MATMECA, Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux, Inria Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest, EPC MONC Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux)

Title: Modeling and inverse problems in tumor growth Abstract: Recently, mathematical modeling of cancer started drawing great interest from the medical community. Indeed, developing models able to describe accurately tumor growth may help monitoring the disease evolution or even predicting the efficacy of different therapeutic strategies. Such applications are made…
