Author's posts

Supporting Concurrency Abstractions with Ownership-based Metaobject Protocols

What: Supporting Concurrency Abstractions with Ownership-based Metaobject Protocols When: February 11 14:00 Who: Stefan Marr http://stefan-marr.de/research/ Where: b21, Lille Abstract: Implementing concurrent programming languages on top of today’s multi-language virtual machines (VMs) is challenging, because these VMs provide only rudimentary support for such languages. We propose ownership-based metaobject protocols (OMOPs) as a unifying substrate for …

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Program Comprehension with Moose and Hapax

Title: Program Comprehension with Moose and Hapax Presenter: Gustavo Santos (Federal University of Minas Gerais – Brazil) When: November 15th 2013 at 10h Where: B31 Abstract: Software visualization techniques have been proposed to improve program comprehension, as large system get difficult to understand and maintain. This talk presents the integration of Hapax with Moose. Hapax …

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(Français) Du calcul mathématique aux calculs informatiques

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(Français) Les définitions inductives, les programmes récursives, les continuations, et l’évaluation partielle

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Tips and Tricks for Communication in Computer Science: Reviews, Papers and Talks

When: Friday, 21st June: 14h -> 15h Where: Salle Pleniere, Inria Building A Who: Olivier Danvy http://users-cs.au.dk/danvy/tips-and-tricks/ This lecture is mainly for PhD students who wants to think about their communication skills. Research results in computer science are peer-reviewed, read, and listened to. To communicate our results, we thus need to write them down, submit …

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Suman Saha: Improving the Quality of Error-Handling Code

What: Improving the Quality of Error-Handling Code in Systems Software using Function-Local Information Who: Suman Saha, PhD in the Inria REGAL group When: March 12th, 11am Where: Inria B31 http://pagesperso-systeme.lip6.fr/Suman.Saha Abstract Adequate error-handling code is essential to the reliability of any systems software. On an error, such code is responsible for releasing acquired resources to …

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Michele Lanza: Software Visualization

What: Software Visualization: Principles, Practice, Myths, Perils, Promises, Evaluation, and all the rest Who: Michele Lanza, Professor at the University of Lugano When: Friday 15th February, 11h Where: Inria B21 ABSTRACT The title says it all: In this talk I will introduce the principles that govern software visualization, and show through a series of examples …

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The Challenges of Cross-Language Interoperability

What: Talk on “The Challenges of Cross-Language Interoperability” Who: David Chisnall (a Research Associate in the University of Cambridge Computer Lab) When: Monday 4 February 2013, 14:00-15:30 Where: Inria Lille room B31 (new building) Abstract As software becomes more complex, it becomes increasingly clear that no single language is an ideal solution for all parts …

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ArchLint: A Lightweight Approach for Architecture Conformance Based on a Combination of Static and Historical Source Code Analysis

On Friday 18 January 2013, 11:00-12:00 Inria Lille room B21 (new building), Cristiano Maffort (PhD student at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil) will give a talk on “ArchLint: A Lightweight Approach for Architecture Conformance Based on a Combination of Static and Historical Source Code Analysis” Abstract: Software architecture conformance is a key …

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