Participants from Wimmics (Inria, I3S)
- Franck Berthelon, PhD student on emotion detection
- Elena Cabrio, Post-Doc, natural language processing
- Fabien Gandon, DR2, senior researcher,
- Alain Giboin, CR1, senior researcher,
- Nhan Le Thanh, Senior Professor,
- Zide Meng, Ph.D. student on semantic social network analysis.
- Isabelle Mirbel, MdC, Assistant Professor,
- Peter Sander, Senior Professor,
- Serena Villata, Starting Research Position, argumentation theory
Participants from Heron laboratory, UdeM
- Pierre Olivier Brosseau. Master Student on emotional driving behavior
- Maher Chaouachi, PhD student on emotional workload
- Claude Frasson, Full Professor (and external collaborator of Wimmics)
- Ramla Ghali, PhD student on emotional engagement and Laboratory Assistant
- Imène Jraidi, PhD student on emotional strategies for learning
- Asma Ben Kheder, PhD student on emotional regulation strategies
- Sahbi Benlamine, PhD student, Intelligent Video Games and Emotional intelligence
This associated team benefits from the experience of Wimmics in social-semantic web and of Heron in emotional detection. Wimmics is involved in many projects relevant to the topic including for instance: Isicil (semantic social network analysis and management), Kolflow (co-evolution of content and knowledge as the result of interactions of humans and machines), Ocktopus (managing large and quickly growing amounts of user-generated content) or QAKIS (natural language question answering over linked data). In addition Claude Frasson is setting up a joint laboratory in Intelligent Games (JVI) funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (1 Million$) and equipped with a large variety of emotional sensors. This unique laboratory associates 10 Professors with expertise in Machine Learning, Vision, Software Engineering, Intelligent Games. Such environment is important as it contributes to the dynamics of the project in allowing Wimmics participants to use this equipment in Montreal and build common experiments for future joint publications.