
The teams / labs (and their representatives) involved in the SHARP consortium are:

  • Ockham team at LIP (ENS de Lyon, Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, Inria) – coordinator Rémi Gribonval
    • Sparsity, sketching, statistical learning theory, information theory, mathematics of deep learning
  • Miles project-team at LAMSADE (Paris-Dauphine and PSL University, CNRS) – Alexandre Allauzen
    • Deep learning for natural language and speech processing
  • Imagine team at LIGM (École des Ponts ParisTech, Univ Gustave Eiffel, CNRS) – Loïc Landrieu and Mathieu Aubry
    • Representation learning for computer vision
  • GENESIS (Inria & University College London) – Benjamin Guedj
    • Statistical learning theory, PAC-Bayes, mathematics of deep learning, representation learning
  • SIROCCO team at IRISA (CNRS, Univ Rennes, Inria, INSA) – Nicolas Keriven
    • Sketched learning, graph neural networks, statistical learning on graphs, optimal transport
  • List (Université Paris Saclay, CEA) – Hervé Le Borgne
    • Visual and textual content analysis, zero-shot learning, control of generative models
  • MLIA team at ISIR (Sorbonne University, CNRS) – Nicolas Thome and Edouard Oyallon
    • Statistical signal processing applied to distributed learning and deep learning

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