
The project is divided into 3 workpackages:

  • WP1: Modeling surgical knowledge
  • WP2: Kinematic data analysis
  • WP3: Validation and evaluation


WP1: Modeling surgical knowledge

T1.1: Surgical Process Modeling

a- Semantic models
* Ontology specific to the robot-assisted hysterectomy
  – Build upon OntoSPM (core ontology for surgical process models)
  – Pre-existing terms from FMA, OntoSPM, LapOntoSPM
  – Knowledge elicitation (interview of 2 gynecological surgeons): additions specific to the hysterectomy procedure
* To do: relations, validation?

b- Procedural models
* generic Surgical Process Model (gSPM) at 2 levels of granularity (phases and steps)
  – Knowledge elicitation (interviews of 1 gynecological surgeon): gSPM for robot-assisted hysterectomy
* Transcription of the gSPM in the xml format

T1.2: Surgical Process Learning

1- gSPM and variability
* review of articles
– study of variability
– article almost finalized for submission to journal

* gSPM formalization
– evolution of initial definition for a more compact representation
– XML definition

2- from gSPM to svGEM (in progress)
transformation of gSPM in more formal AI mathematical models

* gSPM to colored Petri nets (done)
(-) small loss of understandability
(+) simulation algorithm to generate all coherent iSPMs

– proposition of an algorithm gSPM to CPN
– implementation and validation

* gSPM to state variables Graphical event models (via CPN) (in progress)
(-) small loss of understandability
(+) better representation of variability
(+) simulation algorithm to generate all coherent iSPMs
(+) existence of svGEM learning algorithms

– proposition of an algorithm gSPM/CPN to svGEM
– validation of this algorithm
– proposition of a gSPM/svGEM learning algorithm from iSPMs (and one given gSPM) (in progress)

WP2- Kinematic data analysis

WP3- Validation and Evaluation

a- Validation
* Using experts knowledge: Delphi consensus
  – Questionnaire including the vocabulary (phases, steps and their definition) and the process (gSPM)
  – 5 rounds
  – 35 surgical experts (> 10 years of experience in robot-assisted hysterectomy) in the 1st round, 26 surgical experts in the last round
  – Article in progress
* Using experts practice: comparison between the gSPM and actual surgeries
  – 31 surgeries recorded (from 6 surgeons)
  – 4 comparison metrics
  – Article almost finalized for submission

  • Validation of gSPM to CPN conversion
  • Validation of gSPM/CPN to svGEM conversion

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