- Permanent researchers
- Pierre Jannin, MediCIS, LTSI, Inserm, Université de Rennes (Project leader) (ORCID)
- Krystel Nyangoh-Timoh, CHU Rennes: Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology, MediCIS LTSI Inserm, Université de Rennes
- Pierre François Marteau, Professor, University of South Brittany, EXPRESSION IRISA
- Philippe Leray, Professor, Nantes Université, DUKe, LS2N
- Christine Sinoquet Associate Professor, Nantes Université, DUKe, LS2N
- Simon Malinowski, Associate Professor, Inria/IRISA and University of Rennes, LinkMedia
- Associated researchers
- Recruited:
- Soline Galuret, Ingénieure
- Mustafa Said Hawchar, Doctorant