Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 RGB camera with an integrated microphone is used for video and audio data.
The video is recorded at 720p and with a rate of 5 fps.
The audio is recorded at a sampling rate of 32kHz and a resolution of 16-bits per sample.
With the BioSignalPlux we acquired: electrocardiogram (ECG), electrodermal activity (EDA) and respiration signal.
All physiological signals are recorded with a sampling rate of 500 Hz and resolution of 16-bits per sample.
For the ECG 3 Ag/AgCl electrodes are located on the ribs of the non dominant side of the subjects.
For the EDA 2 Ag/AgCl electrodes are attached to the palm of the non dominant hand.
For the respiration a chest-belt with an integrated piezoelectric sensing element is placed on the chest.