Privacy Policy

Which data are we collecting?

ACQUA respects your privacy. ACQUA does not collect any personal data that could directly identify yourself (e.g., GPS position, IP address, telephone number, device ID, contacts).

ACQUA only collects:

  • data related to network performances;
  • feedback that you manually submit;
  • a randomly generated ID (different every time you install the application) that will allow you to remove your data from our database (Coming Soon).

In details, we collect periodically the following network metrics:

  • RTT (Round Trip Time), sum of the delays from your mobile and our server and viceversa;
  • Loss Rate, how many packets are dropped by the network;
  • Jitter, how the delay varies over time;
  • Throughput, speed of the network (bits/sec);
  • Signal Strength;
  • Signal Type, Mobile (e.g., 3G, 4G) vs. WiFi;
  • Operator;
  • Cell tower ID (to identify the rough area of the measurement);
  • Hashed SSIDs (to find patterns in common networks).

Why trust us?

ACQUA is a research project created by INRIAInstitut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique, a French national research institution. Being a public institute each project has to be approved under the ethical and privacy point of view.

INRIA’s ERB (Ethical Review Board) – COERLE – and CNIL (French Commission for data privacy) both analysed and approved our work in an independent way.

This page provides an overview of what we are granted by those organisations to collect and store in our databases.

How long will you store the data?

The lifespan of which we can store data is constrained by the duration of the ACQUA project.

The data will be stored for the entire duration of the research project to allow us to analyse them and study how communication networks affects common applications and user experience. Over this time the data will be destroyed or fully anonymised.

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