Monday October 3
9h30-10h00 Welcome!
10h00-10h50 Ellen Saada : “Invariant measures for multilane exclusion process”
10h50-11h05 Coffee break
11h05-11h55 Christophe Bahadoran : “Invariant measures for asymmetric particle systems with a bottleneck”
11h55-12h45 Chiara Franceschini : “Stochastic duality for asymmetric particle systems”
12h45-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h50 Cristina Toninelli : “Fredrickson-Andersen 2-spin facilitated model: sharp threshold”
14h50-15h40 Robert Jack : “Examples of hydrodynamic behaviour in two-species exclusion processes”
15h40-16h00 Coffee break
16h00-16h50 Assaf Shapira : “Kinetically constrained lattice gases – cooperative vs. non-cooperative behavior”
Tuesday October 4
9h10-10h00 Vivien Lecomte : “Geometry of nonequilibrium interacting reaction networks”
10h00-10h50 Pierre Le Doussal : “Large deviations for diffusion in random media: crossover from the macroscopic fluctuation theory to the KPZ equation”
10h50-11h05 Coffee Break
11h05-11h55 Elisabeth Agoritsas : “Dynamical mean-field theory of dense particle systems: global shear versus random local forcing”
11h55-12h45 Alessandra Occelli : “Hydrodynamics for the ABC model with slow/fast boundary”
12h45-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h50 Clément Cosco : “High moments of the 2D polymer partition function (joint work with Ofer Zeitouni)”
14h50-15h40 Aurélien Grabsch : “A Closed Equation for Correlation Profiles in Single-File Systems”
15h40-16h00 Coffee break
16h00-16h50 Kirone Mallick : “Exact solution of the macroscopic fluctuation theory for symmetric exclusion”
19h30 Conference Dinner at Le Compostelle (link)
Wednesday October 5
9h30-10h20 Paul Chleboun : “Mixing times for Facilitated Exclusion Processes”
10h20-10h40 Coffee break
10h40-11h30 Laure Marêché : “Universality for Bootstrap Percolation and Kinetically Constrained Models”
11h30-12h20 Ivailo Hartarsky : “Bootstrap percolation and cellular automata with death”
12h20-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h50 Grégory Schehr : “First-passage properties of persistent random walks/run-and-tumble particles”
14h50-15h40 Amic Frouvelle : “Hydrodynamic models for collective behavior of rigid bodies”