Tuesday 12-Sep-2023 (day 1)
0900-1000: Registration and Welcome Coffee
1000-1100: Kicking things off
- administrivia
- spirit of the event
- “1 slide – 1 min” roundtable
1100-1200: Keynote Address, Prof. Kris Pister, UC Berkeley
- title: Smart Dust vision: history, evolution, and why we care about it today
- Details at Keynote Address!
1200-1300: “SCuM” demo session
- Minimal SCuM PCBs w/ Integrated Antennas, Jacob Louie, Portland State University
- BLE and IEEE802.15.4 using SCuM, Titan Yuan, UC Berkeley
- Ambient Backscatter Communications: Crowd-Detectable Zero-Energy-Devices, Dominique Barthel, Orange
1300-1400: Lunch break
1400-1630: Single-Chip Mote Tutorial (Dr. Filip Maksimovic, Inria, Jacob Louie, Portland State University)
- abstract: We hope that attendees of the workshop are inspired to investigate both challenges and potential applications of crystal-free networking as a new frontier in wireless communications.presentations and posters specific to the Single Chip Micro Mote, a crystal-free wireless device that, with initial calibration, is capable of 802.15.4 compatible time synchronized channel hopping mesh networking. A short hands-on tutorial will be held to show the basic operation of the chip, from “Hello World” over a wired serial link to “Hello World” over a network. Later, the chip’s networking capabilities will be shown in a short demonstration session.
- Details at Tutorial!
- Social event (in parallel): take part in the Baguette Battle.
1645-1800: Inria-AIO lab tour
(enough time for you to go to your hotel)
1930: Social event: dinner at L’Européen
- Details at dinner at L’Européen!
Wednesday 13-Sep-2023 (day 2)
0730-0830 Social event (optional): fun jog in the Bois de Vincennes
- Details at Running!
0900-1000: Wake-up Coffee
1000-1200: Crystal-Free Radios, Chair: Prof. David Burnett, Portland State University
- State-of-the-lab Research Overview at PSU, Prof. David Burnett, Portland State University
- Surviving the Hair Dryer: Continuous Calibration of a Crystal-Free Mote-on-Chip, Prof. Tengfei Chang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou
- Software Workarounds to the VDDD Tap Issue, Receiving Bluetooth LE Packets with SCuM, Jacob Louie, Portland State University
- Physical Attacks: Implications on Single Chip Motes, Sara Faour, Inria
1200-1210: group picture!
1210-1300: ”bots” demo session
- Kilobot, Dr. Genki Miyauchi, University of Sheffield
- SailBot, Dr. Malisa Vucinic, Inria
- Antenna-Based Sensing with RFID, Prof. Xavi Vilajosana, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
1300-1400: Lunch break
1400-1600: Chip-Scale Wireless Systems, Chair: Dr. Filip Maksimovic, Inria
- indoor positioning using BLE AoA, Prof. Xavi Vilajosana, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Zero-Wire and Friends, Prof. Danny Hughes, KU Leuven
- Tapeout Class at UC Berkeley: what we’ve done, how it works, where we’re headed, Daniel Lovell, UC Berkeley
- Crystal-Free mmWave Radar for Micromissiles, Titan Yuan, UC Berkeley
1600-1630: Coffee Break
1630-1800: Swarms, Chair: Dr. Thomas Watteyne, Inria
- Miniature Robot Localization using HTC Vive Lighthouse 2.0 System, Said Alvarado-Marin, Inria
- Coherent Movement of Error-Prone Individuals Through Mechanical Coupling, Prof. Roderich Gross, University of Sheffield
- Designing Trustworthy Swarms, Dr. Razanne Abu-Aisheh, Bristol University
(enough time for you to go to your hotel)
1930: Social event: dinner cruise on the Seine rive
- Details at dinner cruise on the Seine river!
Thursday 14-Sep-2023 (day 3)
0900-1000: Wake-up Coffee
1000-1200: Articulating a research vision for the next 3-5 years, Moderator Dr. Thomas Watteyne, Inria
- Round-table and panel discussion with audience participation
1200-1300: “communication and localization“ demo session
- DotBot, Alexandre Ababie, Inria
- DotBot Control using Lighthouse Localization, Said Alvarado-Marin, Inria
- Enabling Centralized Scheduling Using Software Defined Networking in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, Dr. Fabrice Theoleyre, CNRS
1300-1400: Lunch break
1400-1530: Where do we go from here?, Moderator: Prof. David Burnett, Portland State University
- Breakouts by economic region to brainstorm funding sources, teams, proposals?
1530-1600: wrap-up and ideas for visiting Paris in 1/2 day, 1 day, 2 days
After 1600, time to do some local tourism, opportunity for teams to gel or for somewhat-locals to travel home