
Tuesday 12-Sep-2023 (day 1)

0900-1000: Registration and Welcome Coffee

1000-1100: Kicking things off

  • administrivia
  • spirit of the event
  • “1 slide – 1 min” roundtable

1100-1200: Keynote Address, Prof. Kris Pister, UC Berkeley

  • title: Smart Dust vision: history, evolution, and why we care about it today
  • Details at Keynote Address!

1200-1300: “SCuM” demo session

  • Minimal SCuM PCBs w/ Integrated Antennas, Jacob Louie, Portland State University
  • BLE and IEEE802.15.4 using SCuM, Titan Yuan, UC Berkeley
  • Ambient Backscatter Communications: Crowd-Detectable Zero-Energy-Devices, Dominique Barthel, Orange

1300-1400: Lunch break

1400-1630: Single-Chip Mote Tutorial (Dr. Filip Maksimovic, Inria, Jacob Louie, Portland State University)

  • abstract: We hope that attendees of the workshop are inspired to investigate both challenges and potential applications of crystal-free networking as a new frontier in wireless communications.presentations and posters specific to the Single Chip Micro Mote, a crystal-free wireless device that, with initial calibration, is capable of 802.15.4 compatible time synchronized channel hopping mesh networking. A short hands-on tutorial will be held to show the basic operation of the chip, from “Hello World” over a wired serial link to “Hello World” over a network. Later, the chip’s networking capabilities will be shown in a short demonstration session.
  • Details at Tutorial!
  • Social event (in parallel): take part in the Baguette Battle.

1645-1800: Inria-AIO lab tour

(enough time for you to go to your hotel)

1930: Social event: dinner at L’Européen

Wednesday 13-Sep-2023 (day 2)

0730-0830 Social event (optional): fun jog in the Bois de Vincennes

0900-1000: Wake-up Coffee

1000-1200: Crystal-Free Radios, Chair: Prof. David Burnett, Portland State University

  1. State-of-the-lab Research Overview at PSU, Prof. David Burnett, Portland State University
  2. Surviving the Hair Dryer: Continuous Calibration of a Crystal-Free Mote-on-Chip, Prof. Tengfei Chang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou
  3. Software Workarounds to the VDDD Tap Issue, Receiving Bluetooth LE Packets with SCuM, Jacob Louie, Portland State University
  4. Physical Attacks: Implications on Single Chip Motes, Sara Faour, Inria

1200-1210: group picture!

1210-1300: ”bots” demo session

  • Kilobot, Dr. Genki Miyauchi, University of Sheffield
  • SailBot, Dr. Malisa Vucinic, Inria
  • Antenna-Based Sensing with RFID, Prof. Xavi Vilajosana, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

1300-1400: Lunch break

1400-1600: Chip-Scale Wireless Systems, Chair: Dr. Filip Maksimovic, Inria

  1. indoor positioning using BLE AoA, Prof. Xavi Vilajosana, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  2. Zero-Wire and Friends, Prof. Danny Hughes, KU Leuven
  3. Tapeout Class at UC Berkeley: what we’ve done, how it works, where we’re headed, Daniel Lovell, UC Berkeley
  4. Crystal-Free mmWave Radar for Micromissiles, Titan Yuan, UC Berkeley

1600-1630: Coffee Break

1630-1800: Swarms, Chair: Dr. Thomas Watteyne, Inria

  1. Miniature Robot Localization using HTC Vive Lighthouse 2.0 System, Said Alvarado-Marin, Inria
  2. Coherent Movement of Error-Prone Individuals Through Mechanical Coupling, Prof. Roderich Gross, University of Sheffield
  3. Designing Trustworthy Swarms, Dr. Razanne Abu-Aisheh, Bristol University

(enough time for you to go to your hotel)

1930: Social event: dinner cruise on the Seine rive

Thursday 14-Sep-2023 (day 3)

0900-1000: Wake-up Coffee

1000-1200: Articulating a research vision for the next 3-5 years, Moderator Dr. Thomas Watteyne, Inria

  • Round-table and panel discussion with audience participation

1200-1300: “communication and localization“ demo session

  • DotBot, Alexandre Ababie, Inria
  • DotBot Control using Lighthouse Localization, Said Alvarado-Marin, Inria
  • Enabling Centralized Scheduling Using Software Defined Networking in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, Dr. Fabrice Theoleyre, CNRS

1300-1400: Lunch break

1400-1530: Where do we go from here?, Moderator: Prof. David Burnett, Portland State University

  • Breakouts by economic region to brainstorm funding sources, teams, proposals?

1530-1600: wrap-up and ideas for visiting Paris in 1/2 day, 1 day, 2 days

After 1600, time to do some local tourism, opportunity for teams to gel or for somewhat-locals to travel home

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