
Here is the program for our FATE/MM workshop on October 16th, 2020 (in Pacific Time, AM):

Time Presenter Title
5:00 Organisers Welcome remarks
5:10 Prof. Vivek Singh Invited talk: Auditing and Controlling Algorithmic Bias
6:00 Oral #1: Gender Slopes: Counterfactual Fairness for Computer Vision Models by
Attribute Manipulation [Video]
6:20 Oral #2: Not Judging a User by Their Cover: Understanding Harm in Multi-Modal Processing within Social Media Research [Video]
6:40 Coffee break
7:00 Prof. Katharina Reinecke Invited Talk: Bias and unintended consequences of WEIRD technology
7:50 Oral #3: Balancing Fairness and Accuracy in Sentiment Detection using Multiple Black
Box Models [Video]
8:10 Oral #4: Fighting Filterbubbles with Adversarial Training [Video]
8:30 Dr. Cristian Canton Invited talk: Abuses and misuses of AI: prevention vs reaction
9:20 Organisers Conclusions

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