Guarded Attribute grammar

Guarded Attribute Grammars (GAG) is a model of cooperative work based on task resolution. A task is solved by dividing it into smaller tasks, solving these sub tasks and combining their results to produce the required output. The decomposition of tasks into smaller tasks is modeled as rewriting rules using...

Kick-off Meeting

The team organized a kick-off meeting in Yaoundé from April 23 to 24, 2019 (with a participation of Eric Badouel who came at the occasion of Nsaibirni’s PhD defense). Date and Localization On the 22-23rd of April 2019, at ENSP, University Of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. Program Day Timing Author/Chair Talk...

Fuchsia Seminar

A Fuchsia Seminar is scheduled on the 2nd of December in Yaoundé, alongside of LIRIMA Scientific Days and the CRI conference, with a participation of Eric Badouel, Adrian Puerto Aubel and Benoît Masson. Agenda 9H-9H15 Opening words, Prof. Bouetou, Head of Department GI / ENSP. 9H15 – 10H Instant chat tools,...


This project is the result of the coordination of six partners:
Inria Inria Sumo Team
Inria Sumo Team
Ecole Nationale Supérieur Polytechnique
Open Agora Epicentre