A Fuchsia Seminar is scheduled on the 2nd of December in Yaoundé, alongside of LIRIMA Scientific Days and the CRI conference, with a participation of Eric Badouel, Adrian Puerto Aubel and Benoît Masson.
- 9H-9H15 Opening words, Prof. Bouetou, Head of Department GI / ENSP.
- 9H15 – 10H Instant chat tools, Benoit Masson, AGORA.
- 10H-10H30 Coffee break
- 10H30-11H15 Argumentation and GAG, Adrian Puerto Aubel, INRIA Rennes.
- 11h15-12H Asynchronous Actors coordination via the Publish-Subscribe Model, Joskell Ngoufo, PhD student UDs.
- 12H-12H30 Analyzing accessibility variability in operating systems with relational concept analysis and pattern structures, Wafo Kahou, PhD student, ENSP
- 12H30-14H Lunch
- 14H-14H45 Bi-intuitionist logic and dialogue games, Eric Badouel, INRIA Rennes.
- 14h45-15H30 Tools for modeling GAGs, Willy Kengne Kungne, PhD student UDs.
- 15H30-16H Coffee break
- 16H-17H Slack demonstration, Benoit Masson, AGORA
- 17H Closing, Review of the day