Planned Activities

Planned Activities

  •  Two month visits in 2020 for Willy Kengne Kungne, Joskel Ngoufo Tagueu and Zekeng Ndadji Milliam Maxim in Rennes,  in order to complete the Racket implementation of the GAG engine and to experiment its use, in the context of Open Agora activities
  • Two month visit at Milan University for Rodrigue Djeumen, in order to take part in a lecture of Prof. Alessandra Agostini, on the use of collaborative tools for students in the humanities and social sciences and supervise mini-projects.
  • We will also pursue our work on the mathematical modeling of deliberation and the corresponding extensions to the GAG model.



  1. Joskell Ngoufo visited Inria-Rennes for 2 months (september 30 – November 30)
  2. A similar visit was scheduled for Willy Kengne Kungne but unfortunately, was cancelled because he failed to obtain his visa for France.



  1. Robert Nsaibirni defended his PhD Thesis at University of Yaoundé I in April 24, 2019.
  2. The team organized a kick-off meeting in Yaoundé from April 23 to 24, 2019 (with a participation of Eric Badouel who came at the occasion of Nsaibirni’s PhD defense).
  3. A Fuchsia Seminar will be organized the 2nd of December in Yaoundé at the occasion of The LIRIMA Scientific Days and the CRI conference with a participation of Eric Badouel, Adrian Puerto Aubel and Benoît Masson.