[01/12/2016] Nathalie GAYRAUD, Inria Sophia – EPI Athéna – “Applications of High Dimensional Clustering on Riemannian Manifolds in Brain Measurements

[24/11/2016] Arijit GHOSH, Indian Statistical Institute – “Introduction to Communication Complexity”

[21/11/2016] Arnaud DE MESMAY, GIPSA-Lab – “On the complexity of optimal homotopies

[10/11/2016] Mathijs WINTRAECKEN, Inria Sophia – EPI Datashape – “Differential geometry of submanifolds of R^ n without differential geometry

[26/10/2016] Jacek BRODZKI, University of Southampton  – The Geometry of Synchronistation Problems

[25/10/2016] Sameer DESAI, Indian Statistical Institute – Uniformity of point samples in metric spaces using gap ratio

[17-20/10/2016] Gudhi Workshop, IGESA Porquerolles, Var

[20/07/2016] Aurélien OOMS, Université libre de Bruxelles – “Solving k-SUM using few linear queries

[29/06/2016] Siddharth PRITAM, Indian Institute of Technology – “Bergman Voronoi Diagrams

[28/06/2016] Harry LANG, Johns Hopkins University – “Algorithms for Streaming Data

[15/06/2016] Xavier GOAOC, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée – “The Number of Holes in the Union of Translates of a Convex Set in Three Dimensions

[14/06/2016] Andreas HOLMSEN, KAIST, Korea – “The Intersection of a Matroid and an Oriented Matroid”

[14/06/2016] Xavier GOAOC, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée – “Around a Theorem of Nina Amenta”

[06/06/2016] André LIEUTIER, Dassault Systèmes –  “Triangulations as Linear Programming”

[01/06/2016] Kunal DUTTA, Inria Sophia – EPI Datashape – “Banaszczyk’s Theorem – Part 2”

[18/05/2016] Kunal DUTTA, Inria Sophia – EPI Datashape – “Banaszczyk’s Theorem”

[04/05/2016] Kunal DUTTA, Inria Sophia – EPI Datashape -“An Application: Lower Bounds on Update and Query Times for Oblivious Data Structures”

[26/04/2016] Siddharth PRITAM, Indian Institute of Technology – “Gluing constructions and it’s applications in Topological data analysis

[25/04/2016] Kunal DUTTA, Inria Sophia –  “The Lovett-Meka algorithm ; application of discrepancy: a data-structure lower bound”

[19/04/2016] Arijit GHOSH, Indian Statistical Institute – “Recent results in VC-theory and semi-algebraic set systems

[15/04/2016] Ruben SPECOGNA, University of Udine – “Solving partial differential equations on polyhedral meshes

[15/04/2016] Pawel DLOTKO, Inria Saclay – “Rigorous computation of sublevel sets of smooth function”

[13/04/2016] Kunal DUTTA, Inria Sophia – EPI Datashape – “Spencer’s theorem, Gluskin-Giannopoulos proof, and the Lovett-Meka algorithm”

[12/04/2016] Guilherme DIAS DA FONSECA, Université d’Auvergne – LIMOS –  “On the Combinatorial Complexity of Approximating Polytopes”

[06/04/2016] Kunal DUTTA, Inria Sophia – EPI Datashape – “Introduction to discrepancy theory

[14/03/2016] Sandip BANERJEE, Indian Statistical Institute –  “Color Spanning Objects

[10/03/2016] Pawel DLOTKO, Inria Saclay – EPI Datashape – “Introduction to neurotopology

[03/03/2016] Alfredo HUBARD, Inria Sophia – EPI Datashape – “One metric to rule them all (them graphs)”

[21/01/2016] Clément MARIA, University of Queensland, Australia –  “Algorithmic Aspects of Topological Inference

[11-15/01/2016] Winter School on “Computational Geometry and Topology for Data Analysis – Inria Sophia Antipolis