Piloting Team

Christine Azeveo-CosteLaurence Boissieux
Christine Azevedo Coste
SR EPI Camin Inria Sophia Antipolis
Robotic, Mouvement Automatic-control
Laurence Boissieux
IR SED Inria Grenoble
3D CAD & FabLab
Roger Pissard-GibolletChristophe Braillon
Roger Pissard-Gibollet
IR SED Inria Grenoble
Robotics, Sustainable development
Christophe Braillon
IR SED Inria Grenoble
Robotics, Embedded Software

The Handitech Lab Inria (HLI) aims to create a model of collaboration between INRIA and Humanlabs that will allow members of INRIA teams and departments who wish to get involved in this approach to do so in a formalized framework

Former trainees

Johan PrédroliFroll’N’Roll – reportSaint-Pierremay-august 2023
Gaëlle ThibaudautBionicohand – reportMHKmay-july 2023
Siméon GettiFit&Fun – report Autonabeefebruary-july 2023
Hippolyte BonabeauInkredable – githubreport Saint-Pierre2023
Amaury AbrialBipBip – gitlabSaint-Pierremarch-april 2023
Samar ChaouchMontre epilepsie – reportnov. 2022 – jan 2023
Roxanne XuMagicControl – reportMHKmay-July 2022
Brice ArnaudMagicControl – reportMHKmay-july 2022
Jérémy BlanquinqueChutChut – report1report2Saint-Pierrefebruary-july 2022
Eliott DanielloCanne à Son – reportMHKjune-september 2022
Marie GhekiereExofinger – reportMHKaugust 2021- february 2022
report in french

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