Man2Block 2018

The first edition of IEEE/IFIP Man2Block will be held on April 27th 2018, in Tapei, Taiwan colocated with IM 2018.The workshop is dedicated to blockchain management and the use of blockchain for network management Through its members, Masdin is co-chairing this workshop. Submission deadline is January 5th 2018.
Masdin at CSNet 2017
IM 2017 tutorial on P4
Workshop on intrusion detection and NetFlow analysis

On 20/07/2016, a workshop on intrusion detection and netflow analysis was organized by SEDAN team at University of Luxembourg. Masdin was invited to participate. The first half of the day was a practical session on network traffic collection and (pre-)processing with the goal of obtaining datasets for research on fingerprinting…
PhD position available at Inria Nancy Grand Est
A PhD position on data analytics for advanced attack monitoring and detection is now open at Inria Nancy Grand Est in the Madynes team. Description and information about how to apply is available at: phd_security.
Masdin at work in Seoul
P4 tutorial in Nancy
On May 25th, Salvatore will present its tutorial on P4 in Nancy. This will be held in B13 from 8:00 to 12:00.
P4 tutorial rehearsal
As a preparation of the Netsoft tutorial on P4, Salvatore will present it in the associate team on May 20th in Luxembourg. This is an opportunity for all members to learn P4 and to give feedback to Salvatore before the conference In June.