Masdin at work in Seoul

Four members of the Masdin associate team (Salvatore Signorello, Lautaro Dolberg, Olivier Festor, Jérôme François) participated to IEEE Netsoft 2016, a leading conference in the area of SDN and NFV, in Seoul, South Korea from 6 to 10 June 2016. It was a great event with a lot of exchanges and discussions with international industrial and academic community.  Around 250 people attend the conference.

Masdin at IEEE NetSoft 2016

  • Lautaro Dolberg presented his paper on application-aware flow management, a work done in cooperation with the University of Waterloo (Shiabur Chowdhury, Reaz Ahmed and Raouf Boutaba).
  • Salvatore Signorello presented his paper on the NDN proof-of-concept implementation with P4.
  • Salvatore Signorello and Jérôme François introduced P4 with hands-on exercises during a half-day tutorial.
  • Olivier Festor has been part of the organization committee and the best paper-award committee. He was tutorial co-chair and plenary session chair.
  • Jérôme François also serves as plenary session chair.

The publication page contains full details about our publications at IEEE NetSoft 2016.


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