Sebilleau’s cavity

DNS of a heated square cavity invoking the Boussinesq approximation was carried out at Ra=10^11 and Pr=0.71. The three dimensional configuration studied represent an infinitely deep cavity, thus corresponding to a statisti-
cally two-dimensional flow with an imposed temperature varying linearly on the horizontal walls. In such a configuration, the Rayleigh number, and therefore turbulence intensity, is the highest ever reached.
The database includes first and second order statistical moments as well as full Reynolds stresses, turbulent heat fluxes and temperature variance budgets. The data collected thus focus on aspects of relevance to the RANS modelling
of such flows.



The configuration is described in details in the following paper:

F. Sebilleau, R. Issa, S. Lardeau, and S.P. Walker. Direct numerical simulation of an air-filled differentially heated square cavity with Rayleigh numbers up
to 10 11 . Int. J. Heat Mass Tran., 123:297–319, 2018.

and the database is available on demand at remi.manceau (@)

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