Welcome on MultiMod's website

The MultiMod project addresses key algorithmic challenges to enable the fast computation of personalized itineraries in large-scale multi-modal public transportation (PT) networks (bus, tram, metro, bicycle, etc.) combined with dynamic car-pooling. We will use real-time data to propose itineraries with close to real travel-time, and handle user-constraints to propose personalized itineraries. Our main challenge is to overcome the scalability of existing solutions in terms of query processing time and data-structures space requirements, while including unplanned transportation means (car-pooling), real-time data, and personalized user constraints. The combination of car-pooling and PT network will open-up areas with low PT coverage enable faster itineraries and so foster the adoption of car-pooling. We envision that the outcome of this project will dramatically enhanced the mobility and daily life of citizens in urban areas.

PhD defense of Arthur Finkelstein