Revues internationales:
[1] Olfa Mzoughi, Itheri Yahiaoui, Nozha Boujemaa, Ezzeddine Zagrouba, “Semantic-based automatic structuring of leaf images for advanced plat species identification” Multimedia Tools Appli. June 2015
[2] A. Rejeb-Sfar, N. Boujemaa and D. Geman, “Confidence sets for fine-grained categorization and plant species identification”, International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), DOI 10.1007/s11263-014-0743-3, 2014. (IJCV_2014)
[3] Amel Hamzaoui, Pierre Letessier, Alexis Joly, Olivier Buisson, Nozha Boujemaa: Object-based visual query suggestion. Multimedia Tools Appl. 68(2): 429-454 (2014)
[4] A. Joly, H. Goeau, P. Bonnet, V. Bakic, J. Barbe, S. Selmi, I. Yahiaoui, J. Carré, E. Mouysset, J.-F. Molino, N. Boujemaa, D. Barthélémy,”Interactive plant identification based on social image data”, in Ecological Informatics journal, August 2013
[5] Nozha Boujemaa, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Shin’ichi Satoh, “The Future of Multimedia Analysis and Mining: Visions from the Shonan Meeting,” IEEE Multimedia, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 4-12, April-June 2013
[6] A. Hamzaoui, P. Letessier, A. Joly, O. Buisson, N. Boujemaa, “Object-based visual query suggestion”, in International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications journal, January 2013
[7] “Blasso for object categorization and retrieval: Towards interpretable visual models”, Ahmed Rebai, Alexis Joly, Nozha Boujemaa, in Pattern Recognition journal, Volume 45, Issue 6, June 2012, Pages 2377-2389
[8] A. Hamzaoui, A. Joly, N. Boujemaa, « Multi-source shared nearest neighbours for multi-modal image clustering », in International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications journal, 51(2), 2010 pdf
[9] N. Boujemaa, A. Joly, S. Litayem, “Category Sensitive Hashing for Large Scale Multimedia Semantic Retrieval”, in Special Issue: Hot Research Topics in Multimedia, International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer – Juin 2010
[10] Ellouze M; Boujemaa N and Alimi M.A. (2010) “Scene pathfinder: unsupervised clustering techniques for movie scenes extraction”. International Journal of Multimedia Tools Appl. Springer 47(2). pp 325-346.
[11] Ellouze M; Boujemaa N and Alimi M.A. (2010) “IM(S)2: Interactive movie summarization system”. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 21(4). pp 283-294.
[12] Hong Tang, Henri Maître, Nozha Boujemaa, Weiguo Jiang: On the relevance of linear discriminative features. Inf. Sci. 180(18): 3422-3433 (2010)
[13] J. Law-To, O. Buisson, V. Gouet-Brunet and N. Boujemaa, “ViCopT: a robust system for content-based video copy detection in large databases”, Multimedia Systems Journal, Springer 2009, (“Online first”)
[14] M. Ferecatu, N. Boujemaa, M. Crucianu “Semantic interactive image retrieval combining visual and conceptual content description” ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, vol. 13 (5-6), pages 309-322, 2008
[15] N. Grira, M. Crucianu, and N. Boujemaa “Active semi-supervised fuzzy clustering” Pattern Recognition, vol.41 (5), pages 1834-1844, 2008
[16] M. Ferecatu and N. Boujemaa, “Interactive Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Using Active Relevance Feedback”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 45, No. 4, p. 818-826, 2007
[17] J. Fauqueur and N. Boujemaa, “Mental Image Search by Boolean Composition of Region Categories”, International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), pp 95-117 Volume 31, Number 1 / octobre 2006 – Springer
[18] N. Grira, M. Crucianu and N. Boujemaa, “Fuzzy Clustering With Pairwise Constraints for Knowledge-Driven Image Categorization”, IEE Proceedings – Vision, Image & Signal Processing, 2006
[19] H. Sahbi and N. Boujemaa, “Fuzzy Clustering: Consistency of Entropy Regularization” Journal of Soft Computing, ISSN 1615-3871, 2006
[20] J. Fauqueur and N. Boujemaa “Region-Based Image Retrieval: Fast Coarse Segmentation and Fine Color Description” Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC), special issue on Visual Information Systems, Vol. 15:1, pp. 69-95, February 2004.
[21] J-Ph Tarel & N. Boujemaa, “A coarse to Fine 3D Registration Method Based on Robust Fuzzy Clustering ” Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU) Vol.73, N°. 1, pp. 14-28, 1999.
Revues nationales:
[1] J. Fauqueur et N. Boujemaa, “Recherche d’images par Régions d’intérêt : Segmentation Grossière Rapide et Description Couleur Fine”, Techniques et Sciences Informatiques (TSI), numéro spécial Indexation de Bases d’Images fixes ou animées, Vol.22 N 9/2004.
Chapitre de Livres:
[1] N. Hervé and N. Boujemaa, ” Automatic image annotation” in Encyclopedia of database systems, Editors-in-chief: Özsu, M. Tamer; Liu, Ling , Springer, 2009. (print and online). (pre-publication PDF)
[2] Simon P. Wilson, Julien Fauqueur and Nozha Boujemaa, “Mental Search in Image Databases: Implicit Versus Explicit Content Query“, Springer Book chapter in Machine Learning Techniques for Multimedia, Book Series Cognitive Technologies, ISSN1611-2482, 2008
[3] N. Boujemaa and M. Ferecatu “Indexation multimédia: Description, indexation et recherche des documents multimédias par leur contenu” chapter Description des images fixes. Traité IC2. Hermès, June 2007
[4] N. Boujemaa and M. Ferecatu “Evaluation des systèmes de recherche par le contenu visuel : pertinence et critères” book chapter in “Evaluation des systèmes de traitement de l’information”, Editions Hermès, 2004.
[5] N. Boujemaa, J. Fauqueur and V. Gouet “What’s beyond query by example?” in “Trends and Advances in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval”, L. Shapiro, H.P. Kriegel, R. Veltkamp (eds.), LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2004.
[6] N.Boujemaa, “Interactive retieval in specific and generic image databases”, présentation invitée dans le cadre des séminaires “Dagstuhl” sur le thème “Content based image and video retrieval”, L.Shapiro, H-P. Kriegel, J. Malik and R.Veltcamp (Eds.)– LNCS Springer Verlag 2003
[7] N. Boujemaa “Recherche interactive dans les documents multimédias” La recherche d’information sur les réseaux II (cours INRIA), pp. 231-256, ADBS Editions, 2002
[8] N. Boujemaa & G. Stamon, “Fuzzy Modeling in early Vision – Application to Medical Image Segmentation”, in Progress in Image Analysis and Processing III – Edited by S. Impedovo – World Scientific 1994.
Edition de “proceedings” et de numéros spéciaux:
[1] Alejandro Jaimes, Nicu Sebe, Nozha Boujemaa, Daniel Gatica-Perez, David A. Shamma, Marcel Worring, Roger Zimmermann (Eds.): ACM Multimedia Conference, MM ’13, Barcelona, Spain, October 21-25, 2013. ACM 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2404-5
[2] James Ze Wang, Nozha Boujemaa, Nuria Oliver Ramirez, Apostol Natsev (Eds.): Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, MIR 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, March 29-31, 2010. ACM 2010, ISBN 978-1-60558-815-5
[3] N. Boujemaaa, M. Detyniecki, A. Nürnberger (Eds.), “Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: Retrieval, User and Semantics”, Book Series – Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS); Volume 4918/2008
[4] N. Boujemaa and F. Jurie (eds.), “Recherche d’information par le contenu visuel” Special issue of “Technique et science informatiques” (RSTI), série TSI, Vol.22, Hermès, 156p 2004.
[5] N. Boujemaa, D. Forsyth and C-S. Li (Eds.), “Multimedia Content Based Indexing and Retrieval”, proceedings of NSF/IBM/INRIA/Berkley joint workshop, 2001 – INRIA
Conférences Internationales:
[1] Rejeb Sfar, N. Boujemaa and D. Geman. Vantage Feature Frames For Fine-Grained Categorization. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (CVPR), 2013
[2] Rejeb Sfar, N. Boujemaa and D. Geman. Identification of Plants from Multiple Images and Botanical IdKeys. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, (ICMR), 2013.
[3] Rejeb Sfar, N. Boujemaa and D. Geman. Vantage Feature Frames For Botanical Species Identification. In the second workshop on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization, CVPR, 2013
[4] Olfa Mzoughi, Itheri Yahiaoui, Nozha Boujemaa, Ezzeddine Zagrouba: Automated semantic leaf image categorization by geometric analysis. ICME 2013: 1-6
[5] “The Imageclef Plant Identification Task 2013”, H. Goeau, A. Joly, P. Bonnet, V. Bakic, J.-F. Molino, D. Barthélémy, N. Boujemaa, 2nd ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data, ACM Multimedia 2013
[6] O. Mzoughi, I. Yahiaoui, Nozha Boujemaa: Extraction of Leaf Parts by Image Analysis. ICIAR (1) 2012: 348-358
[7] Olfa Mzoughi, Itheri Yahiaoui, Nozha Boujemaa: Petiole shape detection for advanced leaf identification. ICIP 2012: 1033-1036
[8] Itheri Yahiaoui, Olfa Mzoughi, Nozha Boujemaa: Leaf Shape Descriptor for Tree Species Identification. ICME 2012: 254-259
[9] “Scalable Mining of Small Visual Objects”, P. Letessier, O. Buisson, A. Joly, N. Boujemaa, in proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2012
[10] “Distributed KNN-Graph approximation via Hashing”, M.R. Trad, A. Joly, N. Boujemaa, in proceedings of ICMR 2012 pdf
[11] “Distributed approximate KNN Graph construction for high dimensional Data”, M.R. Trad, A. Joly, N. Boujemaa, in proceedings of KD-Cloud 2012 pdf
[12] Mohamed Riadh Trad, Alexis Joly, Nozha Boujemaa: Large Scale KNN-Graph Approximation. ICDM Workshops 2012: 439-448
[13] I. Yahiaoui, O. Mzoughi, N. Boujemaa “Leaf shape descriptor for tree species identification”, accepted to appear in International Conference on Multimedia and Expo ICME2012
[14] O. Mzoughi, I. Yahiaoui, N. Boujemaa “Alignment of 2D objects for shape interpretation”, accepted to appear in International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services WIAMIS2012
[15] “Hash-Based Support Vector Machines Approximation for Large Scale Prediction”, S. Litayem, A. Joly, N. Boujemaa, in proceedings of BMVC 2012 pdf
[16] M.R. Trad, A. Joly, N. Boujemaa, “Large scale visual-based event matching”, in proceedings of ICMR 2011 pdf
[17] A. Rebai, A. Joly, N. Boujemaa, « Interpretable Visual Models for Human Perception-Based Object Retrieval » , in proceedings of ICMR 2011 pdf
[18] S. Litayem, A. Joly and N. Boujemaa, “Interactive objects retrieval with efficient boosting”, ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2009 (ACM MM’09), Beijing, October 2009.
[19] N. Hervé and N. Boujemaa, “Visual word pairs for automatic image annotation”, In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME09), New York, June-July 2009.[pdf]
[20]D. Barthélémy, N. Boujemaa, D. Mathieu and J.F. Molino, “The Pl@ntnet project: plant computational identification & collaborative information system”, In e-Biosphere 09 International Conference on Biodiversity Informatics, London, July 2009.
[21] M. Coutaud, P. Bonnet, A. Joly, R. Enficiaud, N. Boujemaa and D. Barthélémy, “Advances in taxonomic identification by image recognition with the generic content-based image retrieval IKONA”, In e-Biosphere 09 International Conference on Biodiversity Informatics, London, July 2009.
[22]Multi-source RSC Model for Multiple Search Result Clustering, A. Hamzaoui, A. Joly, N. Boujemaa, in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2009 pdf
[23]O. Besbes, N. Boujemaa and Z. Belhadj, ” “Stochastic Image Segmentation by Combining Regions and Edge Cues”, In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2008 (ICIP’08), San Diego, October 2008
[24]N. Hervé, N. Boujemaa and M. Houle, “Document description: what works for images should also work for text?”, In the 21st Annual IS&T/SPIE Conference on Multimedia Content Analysis, Management, and Retrieval, Electronic Imaging, San Jose, CA, USA, 18-22 January 2009 (PDF)
[25]O. Besbes, N. Boujemaa and Z. Belhadj, “Cue Integration for Urban Area Extraction in Remote Sensing Images”, in ICIAR 2009, July 2009, Halifax Canada.
[26]O. Besbes, N. Boujemaa and Z. Belhadj, “Non-Homogeneous Conditional Random Fields for Contextual Image Segmentation”, In IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2008), Berkeley, December 2008
[27]S. Bahroun, Z. Belhadj and N. Boujemaa, “Texture Based Satellite Image indexing with Local Binary Pattern Correlograms”, ACM ICIMCS 2009 (International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service ) November 2009 China
[28]S. Bahroun, Z. Belhadj and N. Boujemaa, “Semantic region labelling using a point pattern analysis” in 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2008), Lausanne, August 2008
[29]N. Hervé, and N. Boujemaa “Image annotation: which approach for realistic databases?” In ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, (CIVR’07), 2007
[30]A. Rebai, A. Joly and N. Boujemaa “Interpretability Based Interest Points Detection” ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (ACM CIVR), 2007
[31] O. Besbes, Z. Belhadj and N. Boujemaa “A Variational Framework for Adaptive Satellite Images Segmentation” In International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM’07), LNCS Springer 4485, pp. 675-686, 2007
[32]J. Law-To, O. Buisson, V. Gouet-Brunet and N. Boujemaa “Video copy detection on the internet: the challenge of copyright and multiplicity” In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2007 (ICME 2007), Beijing, China, July 2007
[33]J. Law-To, L. Chen, A. Joly, Y. Laptev, O. Buisson, V. Gouet-Brunet, N. Boujemaa and F. Stentiford “Video Copy Detection: a Comparative Study” ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (ACM CIVR), 2007
[34]J. St¨ottinger, J. Amores, N. Sebe, A. Hanbury, N. Boujemaa, T. Gevers Object Categorisation with Color Interest Points, CIVR 2007, Amsterdam, 2007.
[35]J. Z. Wang, N. Boujemaa, and Y. Chen “High diversity transforms multimedia information retrieval into a cross-cutting field: report on the 8th workshop on multimedia information retrieval” SIGMOD Rec., 36(1):57–59, 2007
[36]H. Tang, H. Maitre, and N. Boujemaa “Similarity measure for satellite images with heterogeneous contents” In URBAN – 2007 – IEEE/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and data fusion over urban areas, Paris, France, April 2007
[37]H. Houissa and N. Boujemaa “A new angle-based spatial modeling for query by Visual Thesaurus composition” In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’07), 2007
[38]H. Houissa, N. Boujemaa and H. Frigui “Adaptive Visual Regions Categorization with Sets of Points of Interest” In Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM’06), Hangzhou, China, November 2006
[39]Yahiaoui, N. Hervé and N. Boujemaa “Shape-based image retrieval in botanical collections” In P Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM’06), Hangzhou, China, November 2006
[40]A. Rebai, A. Joly and N. Boujemaa “Constant Tangential Angle Elected Interest Points” In ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR’06), Santa-Barbara, USA, October 2006
[41] J. Law-To, O. Buisson, V. Gouet-Brunet and N. Boujemaa “Robust Voting Algorithm Based on Labels of Behavior for Video Copy Detection” 14th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Santa Barbara USA, October 23-27, 2006
[42]J. Law-To, V. Gouet-Brunet, O. Buisson and N. Boujemaa “Local Behaviour Labelling for Content-Based Video Copy Detection” In the 18th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’06), Hong-Kong, August 2006. Extended version in research report RR-5821
[43]H. Houissa and N. Boujemaa;”On the use of metrics for multi-dimensional descriptors clustering” to appear in Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’06), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 2006
[44]H. Houissa and N. Boujemaa, “Regions Coherence Criterion based on Points Of Interest Configuration”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, April 2006, Incheon, Korea
[45]N. Grira, M. Crucianu and N. Boujemaa, “Fuzzy Clustering With Pairwise Constraints for Knowledge-Driven Image Categorization”, IEE Proceedings – Vision, Image & Signal Processing, 2006.
[46]H. Houissa and N. Boujemaa, “Region labelling using a Point-based Coherence Criterion”, In Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE Conference on Multimedia Content Analysis, Management, and Retrieval, part of Electronic Imaging symposium, San-Jose, CA, USA, January 2006.
[47]Y. Fang, D. Geman and N. Boujemaa ,”An Interactive System for Mental Face Retrieval”, 7th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR’05), November 10-11, 2005, Singapore in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2005
[48]N. Grira, N. Boujemaa and M. Crucianu “Active Semi-Supervised Fuzzy Clustering for Image Database Categorization” 7th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR’05), Singapore, November, 2005
[49]I. Yahiaoui, N. Boujemaa and N. Hervé “Visual similarity search in botanical collections” Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Intelligence (ICMI’05), Tozeur, Tunisia, November 2005
[50]H. Houissa and N. Boujemaa “Coherenre criterion for region labelling and description” Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Intelligence (ICMI’05), Tozeur, Tunisia, November 2005
[51] M. Ferecatu, N. Boujemaa, M. Crucianu “Hybrid visual and conceptual image representation within active relevance feedback context” 7th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR’05), Singapore, November, 2005
[52]M. Ferecatu, N. Boujemaa, M. Crucianu “Active Relevance Feedback for Interactive Satellite Images retrieval” ESA-EUSC’05: Image Information Mining – Theory and Application to Earth Observation, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, October, 2005
[53]S. Boughorbel, J.-Ph. Tarel and N. Boujemaa “The LCCP For Optimizing Kernel Parameters” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Artificial Neural Networks: Formal Models and Their Applications (ICANN’05), Poland, September 2005
[54]N. Grira, M. Crucianu and N. Boujemaa “Active semi-supervised clustering for image database categorization” Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, June 21-23, Riga, Latvia, 2005
[55]N. Grira, M. Crucianu and N. Boujemaa,”Semi-supervised image database categorization using pairwise constraints” Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’05), Genova, Italy, September 2005
[56]I. Yahiaoui and N. Boujemaa”Content-based image retrieval in botanical collections for gene expression studies” Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’05), Genova, Italy, September 2005
[57]S. Boughorbel, J.-Ph. Tarel and N. Boujemaa “The Generalized Histogram Intersection Kernel for Image Recognition” Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’05), Genova, Italy, September 2005
[58]M. Ferecatu, M. Crucianu and N. Boujemaa “Improving performance of interactive categorization of images using relevance feedback” Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’05), Genova, Italy, September 2005
[59]S. Boughorbel, J.-Ph. Tarel and N. Boujemaa “The Intermediate Matching Kernel For Local Image Features” Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN’04), Montreal, Canada, July 2005
[60]S. Boughorbel, J.-Ph. Tarel and N. Boujemaa “Conditionally Positive Definite Kernels For SVM Based Image Recognition” Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’05), Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2005
[61] H. Sahbi and N. Boujemaa “Validity of Fuzzy Clustering Using Entropy Regularization” IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (Fuzz’IEEE 2005), Reno, USA, May 22-25, 2005
[62]N. Grira, M. Crucianu, N. Boujemaa “Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering with pairwise-constrained competitive agglomeration” IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (Fuzz’IEEE 2005), Reno, USA, May 22-25, 2005
[63]M. Ferecatu, M. Crucianu and N. Boujemaa “Sample selection strategies for relevance feedback in region-based image retrieval” in K. Aizawa, Y. Nakamura, and S. Satoh (Eds.): Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3332, pp. 497-504, Springer-Verlag.
[64]M. Ferecatu, M. Crucianu, and N. Boujemaa “Tuning svm-based relevance feedback for the interactive classification of images” European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantics and Digital Media Technology, November 2004.
[65]H. Sahbi and N. Boujemaa “Fuzzy Clustering: Consistency of Entropy Regularization” International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, Germany, September 2004.
[66]M. Ferecatu, M. Crucianu and N. Boujemaa “Retrieval of Difficult Image Classes Using SVM-Based Relevance Feedback” 6th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, October 15-16, 2004, New York, pp. 23-30.
[67]N. Grira, M. Crucianu and N. Boujemaa, “Unsupervised and semi-supervised clustering: a brief survey” 11 p., in “A Review of Machine Learning Techniques for Processing Multimedia Content”, Report of the MUSCLE European Network of Excellence (FP6), 2004
[68]M. Ferecatu, M. Crucianu and N. Boujemaa “Relevance feedback for image retrieval: a short survey” 20 p., in “State of the Art in Audiovisual Content-Based Retrieval, Information Universal Access and Interaction, Including Datamodels and Languages”, Report of the DELOS2 European Network of Excellence (FP6), 2004.
[69]B. Le Saux and N. Boujemaa “Image database clustering with SVM-based class personalization” IS&T/SPIE Conference on Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia, part of Electronic Imaging symposium, San-Jose, CA, USA, January 2004.
[70]N. Boujemaa, F. Fleuret, V. Gouet and H. Sahbi “Visual content extraction for automatic semantic annotation of video news”, IS&T/SPIE Conference on Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia, part of Electronic Imaging symposium, San-Jose, CA, USA, January 2004.J. Fauqueur and N. Boujemaa”Recherche d’images par composition logique de catégories de régions”, Ateliers TAIMA (Traitement et analyse d’images méthodes et applications), Hammamet, Tunisia, october 2003.
[71] J. Fauqueur and N. Boujemaa”Logical Query Composition from Local Visual Feature Thesaurus” [ pdf ] Third International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI’03), Rennes, France, September 2003
[72]N. Boujemaa, J. Fauqueur and Valérie Gouet “What’s beyond query by example?” IAPR International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP’2003), (invited paper), Agadir, Morocco, June 2003.
[73]H. Frigui and N. Boujemaa “Clustering fuzzy sets with application to image database categorization” IEEE Fuzzy Systems, Saint-Louis, USA, May 2003
[74]J. Fauqueur and N. Boujemaa “New Image Retrieval Paradigm : Logical Composition of Region Categories”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’2003). Barcelona, Spain, September 2003
[75]B. Le Saux, N. Grira and N. Boujemaa “Adaptive Robust Clustering with Proximity-Based Merging for Video-Summary”, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Saint-Louis, USA, May 2003
[76]C.-C. Chen, A. Del Bimbo, G. Amato, N. Boujemaa, P. Bouthemy, J. Kittler, I. Pitas, A. Smeulders, K. Alexander, K. Kiernan, C.-S. Li, H. Wactlar, J. Z. Wang “Report of the DELOS-NSF working group on digital imagery for significant cultural and historical materials”, January 2003
[77]N. Boujemaa and V. Gouet and M. Ferecatu, “Approximate search vs. precise search by visual content in cultural heritage image databases”, Invited paper in MIR workshop in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2002, Juan-Les-Pins, France, December 2002
[78]V. Gouet and N. Boujemaa “About optimal use of color points of interest for content-based image retrieval”, INRIA Rocquencourt Research Report number RR-4439, April 2002
[79]J. Fauqueur and N. Boujemaa “Region-based Retrieval: Coarse Segmentation with Fine Signature” , IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’2002), Rochester, USA, September 2002
[80]V. Gouet and N. Boujemaa “On the robustness of color points of interest for image retrieval” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’2002), Rochester, USA, September 2002
[81] H. Sahbi and N. Boujemaa, Coarse-to-fine Face Detection Based on Skin Color Adaption n the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ECCV’s 2002 Workshop on Biometric Authentication, Copenhagen, June, 2002.
[82]H. Sahbi and N. Boujemaa, Robust Face Recognition Using Dynamic Space Warping (oral) In the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ECCV’s 2002 Workshop on Biometric Authentication, Copenhagen, June, 2002
[83]H. Sahbi, D. Geman and N. Boujemaa, “Face Detection using Coarse-to-Fine Support Vector Classifiers” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’2002), Rochester, USA, September 2002
[84]H. Sahbi and N. Boujemaa, ” Coarse-to-Fine Support Vector Classifiers for Face Detection” accepted in the IEEE-IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’2002), Quebec City, Canada, August 2002
[85]B. Le Saux and N. Boujemaa, ” Unsupervised Robust Clustering for Image Database Categorization”, oral in the IEEE-IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’2002), Quebec City, Canada, August 2002
[86]J.Fauqueur and N. Boujemaa, “Coarse Detection and Fine Color Description for Region-based Image Queries”, accepted in the IEEE-IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’2002), Quebec City, Canada, August 2002
[87]N. Boujema, S. Boughorbel and C. Vertan, “Histogram-based color signature for image indexing” invited paper to “Data Mining and Multimedia Systems” special session at IPMU international conference, juillet 2002
[88]J.Fauqueur and N. Boujemaa, “Image Retrieval by Regions: Corase Segmentation and Fine Color Description”, International Conference on Visual Information Systems: Visual’2002, – Mars 2002, Taiwan – LNCS, Springer
[89]B. Le Saux and N. Boujemaa, “Unsupervised Categorization for Image Database Overview”, International Conference on Visual Information Systems: Visual’2002, – Mars 2002, Taiwan – Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Recent Advances in Visual Information Systems
[90]S. Bernard and N. Boujemaa, “Fingerprint Segmentation using the Phase of Multiscale Gabor Wavelets”, IEEE Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV janvier 2002, Melbourne, Australia,
[91] N. Boujemaa, “Major Technical and Business Challenges for Content-Based Retrieval”, invited presentation to IEEE CBAIVL’2001 panel in conjunction with CVPR’2001 – dec 2001 Hawai
[92]V. Gouet and N. Boujemaa, “Object-based queries using color points of interest”, Proc. of IEEE CBAIVL’2001 in conjunction with CVPR’2001– dec 2001 Hawai
[93]N. Boujemaa, J. Fauqueur, M. Ferecatu, F. Fleuret, V. Gouet, B. Le Saux, H. Sahbi, “Interacrtive Specific and Generic Image Retrieval”, MMCBIR’2001 – sept 2001, France
[94]N. Boujemaa, S. Boughorbel and C. Constantin, “Color Soft Signature for Image Retrieval by Content”, invited paper Eusflat’2001 , vol.2 pp 394-401
[95]H. Sahbi and N. Boujemaa, “Robust Matching by Dynamic Space Warping for Accurate Face Recognition”, IEEE – International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’2001) – October 7-10, Greece.
[96]S. Bernard, N. Boujemaa, D. Vitale, C. Bricot, “Fingerprint Classification Using Kohonen Topologic Map”, IEEE – International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’2001) – October 7-10, Greece.
[97]H.Frigui, N. Boujemaa and S.-A. Lim, “Unsupervised Clustering and Feature Discrimination with Application to Image Dtabase Categorisation”, NAFIPS, Vancouver Canada 2001
[98]H. Sahbi and N. Boujemaa, “From Coarse To Fine Skin and Face Detection”, The 8th ACM International Multimedia Conference, nov – 2000
[99]C. Vertan and N. Boujemaa, “Upgrading Color Distributions for Image Retrieval: can we do better ?” Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 1929, p 178-188 – International Conference on Visual Information Systems Visual’2000, Lyon, 2-4 Nov. 2000
[100] N. Boujemaa, “On Competitive Unsupervised Clustering”, IEEE-IAPR – International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2000, Barcelona, 3-8 Sept. 2000
[101] C. Vertan and N. Boujemaa, “Color Texture Classification by Normalized Color Space Representation”, IEEE-IAPR – International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2000, Barcelona, 3-8 Sept. 2000
[102] C. Vertan, V. Buzuloiu and N. Boujemaa, “A Fuzzy Color Credibility Approach to Color Image Filtering”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2000 -Vancouver, 10-13 Sept. 2000
[103] C. Vertan, M. Ciuc and N. Boujemaa, “On the introduction of a chrominance spectrum and its applications”, International Conference on Color Graphics and Image Processing CGIP2000 – St. Etienne, 1-4 Oct. 2000
[104] C. Vertan and N. Boujemaa, “Spatially constrained color distributions for image indexing”, International Conference on Color Graphics and Image Processing CGIP2000 – St. Etienne, 1-4 Oct. 2000
[105] N. Boujemaa, “Generalized Competitive Clustering for Image Segmentation”, 19th International Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS 2000, Atlanta, 13-15 Jul. 2000
[106] C. Vertan and N. Boujemaa, “Embedding Fuzzy Logic in Content Based Image Retrieval“, 19th International Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS 2000, Atlanta, 13-15 Jul. 2000
[107] C. Vertan and N. Boujemaa, ” Using Fuzzy Histograms and Distances for Color Image Retrieval », The Challange of Image Retrieval CIR’2000, Brighton, 4-5 May 2000
[108] S. Cormier, N. Boujemaa, F.Tranquart, A.Simon, L.Pourcelot, ” MRI and neuroreceptor SPECT brain images registration based on anisotropic diffusion », VISION INTERFACE (VI’2000) May 14-17, 2000, Montréal, Quebec, Canada
[109] S. Cormier, N. Boujemaa, F. Tranquart, L. Pourcelot, Multimodal brain image registration with severe pathological information missing, IEEE-EMBS / BMES 99 International Conference, Atlanta (USA), 13-16 octobre 1999
[110] J Malki, N. Boujemaa, C. Nastar and A. Winter, “Region Queries without Segmentation for Image Retrieval by Content”, Third International Conference on Visual Information Systems (Visual’99), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2-4, 1999, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 1614, p 115-122.
[111] J-Ph Tarel & N. Boujemaa, “Robust Fuzzy Clustering for 3D Registration”, 18tInternational Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information (NAFIPS’99), New-York, USA, June 1999 (invited session “Recognition Applications for Fuzzy Systems”).
[112] N. Boujemaa, C. Nastar , “Content-based image retrieval at the IMEDIA group of INRIA”, invited presentation to the Tenth DELOS Workshop “Audio-Visual Digital Libraries”, Santorini, Greece, June 1999
[113] C. Nastar, N. Boujemaa, “Indexation et recherche d’images par le contenu “, Atelier Traitement et Analyse d´images : Méthodes et Applications (TAIMA’99) – INRIA/CFDI/CERT, Hammamet (Tunisie), Mars 1999).
[114] C. Nastar, M. Mitschke, C. Meilhac, N. Boujemaa, H. Bernard, M. Mautref, « Retrieving Images by Content: the Surfimage System », Multimedia Information Systems 1998, Istanbul, Turkey, September 24-26, 1998.
[115] C. Nastar, M. Mitschke, C. Meilhac, N. Boujemaa « Surfimage: a Flexible Content-Based Image Retrieval System », ACM-Multimedia 1998 Bristol, England, September 12-16, 1998.
[116] N. Boujemaa, S. Cormier, G. Roux, F. Tranquart & L. Pourcelot, “Multi-modality brain image registration without external landmarks”, 1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), May 98, Alaska.
[117] S. Cormier, N. Boujemaa, F. Tranquart, G. Roux, L. Pourcelot, “Brain Image Registration based on Fuzzy Competitive Segmentation and Possibilistic Shell Detection”, IAPR Vision Interface (VI98), Vancouver (Canada), Juin 1998.
[118] S. Cormier, N. Boujemaa, F. Tranquart, G. Roux, L. Pourcelot, “Fuzzy competitive clustering segmentation and possibilistic shell detection : a new approach for registration of multimodality brain images”, International conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in knowledge based systems (IPMU), Paris (France), Juillet 1998.
[119] N. Boujemaa, G. Roux & J-P. Asselin de Beauville, “Soft primitive extraction on numeric amounts on cheques”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’97), Santa Barbara California – USA – Oct. 97.
[120] N. Boujemaa, G.Roux, J-P. Asselin de Beauville & B. Vattolo, “Soft segmentation of handwritten digits”, Fifth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT’97, Aachen, Germany – sept 97.
[121] G.Roux & N. Boujemaa, “Soft segmentation of numeric amount on cheques”, Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA’97), Finland – June 97.
[122] Boujemaa N. & al., “Symbolic Segmentation of Handwritten Numerals with Robust Fuzzy Clustering”, IAPR Machine Vision and Applications (MVA’96) – Japon – Nov 96.
[123] J-Ph. Tarel & N. Boujemaa, “A fuzzy 3D registration method”, Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT’95), Germany, August 95.
[124] F.Kettaf, N. Boujemaa & JP Asselin de Beauville, “Genetic and fuzzy based Clustering”, Workshop of the Society of Classification (SFC’95).
[125] N. Boujemaa, G. Stamon & J. Lemoine, “Fuzzy iterative image segmentation with recursive merging”, SPIE’92 Visual Communication and Image Processing, vol. 1818, pp. 1271-1281, Boston (Massachusetts) USA – November 92 (nominated for the “Best student paper award”).
[126] N. Boujemaa, G. Stamon et J. Lemoine et E. Petit, “Fuzzy Ventricular Endocardium Détection with Gradual Focusing Decision”, 14th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society, vol.14 , Paris-October 92.
Démonstration technique dans conférence internationale avec comité de selection
[1] “Pl@ntNet Mobile App”, H. Goëau, P. Bonnet, A. Joly, V. Bakic, J. Barbe, S. Selmi, J. Carré, D. Barthelemy, N. Boujemaa, J.-F. Molino, G. Duché and A. Péronnet, Technical demo, ACM Multimedia conference, 2013
[2] Video and image copy detection demo, Julien Law-To, Alexis Joly, L. Joyeux, N. Boujemaa, O. Buisson, V. Gouet, in Proc. of ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 2007 pdf.
Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture:
[1] N.Boujemaa, S. Boughorbel, S.Vertan, “Description de la répartition spatiale de la couleur pour l’indexation d’images”, Congrès de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA 2002), Janvier 2002
[2] Nozha Boujemaa, Chahab Nastar, Jamal Malki, « Requêtes partielles sans segmentation pour la recherche d’images par le contenu », Congrès de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA 2000), Février 2000
[3] N. Boujemaa, “Indexation de la couleur”, invitation à l’école d’été sur la couleur – Saint-Etienne, Septembre 1999
[4] C. Nastar, N. Boujemaa, M. Mitschke, C. Meilhac, “Surfimage: un systeme flexible d’indexation et de recherche d’images”, CORESA (COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels) – Lannion, Juin 1998.
[5] N. Boujemaa, G. Roux, P. Lourenco & G. Pasquier, ” Extraction de caractéristiques géométriques floues, application aux images de chiffres manuscrits “, Congrès de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA’98), 1998.
[6] S. Cormier, N. Boujemaa, I. Bullot, B. Le Divenah, F. Guérinet, D. Pinto, F. Tranquart, « Recalage multimodal d’images cérébrales basé sur des approches floues », IVèmes Journées de Recherche en Imagerie Médicale, Toulouse (France), 3-4 Février 1998
[7] J-Ph. Tarel & N. Boujemaa, “Une approche floue du recalage 3D, généricité et robustesse”, 10ième Congrès de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA’96) – Rennes 1996.
[8] N. Boujemaa, G. Stamon & A. Gagalowicz, “Modélisation Floue pour la Segmentation d’Images”, 9ème Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle AFCET- Vol.1, pp. 163- 173 – Paris, Janvier 94.
Thèses et Habilitations:
[1] “Sur la classification non-exclusive en analyse d’images”, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Informatique – Janvier 2000 – Université de Versailles Saint Quentin
[2] “Modélisation de l’incertitude pour la segmentation d’images”, Doctorat en Informatique – Février 1993 – Université de Paris 5
Autres publications:
[1] H. Goeau, P. Bonnet, A. Joly, I. Yahiaoui, D. Barthelemy, N. Boujemaa, J-F. Molino, “The IMAGECLEF 2012 Plant identication Task”, in working notes of CLEF 2012 pdf
[2] N. Boujemaa, H. Gouraud, R. Compano, J. Karlgren, P. v. d. Linden, P. King, N. Sebe, J. Köhler, A. Joly, J. Geurts, C. Dosch, R. Ortgies, A. Rudström, M. Kauber, J-C. Point, J-Y. Le Moine,Cross-disciplinary “Challenges and Recommendations regarding the Future of Multimedia Search Engines”, Publications Office of the European Union, Decembre 2009, isbn 978-92-79-15290-0 pdf
[3] VITALAS at TRECVID-2009, C. Diou, G. Stephanopoulos, N. Dimitriou, P. Panagiotopoulos, C. Papachristou, A. Delopoulos, H. Rode, T. Tsikrika, A. De Vries, D. Schneider, J. Schwenninger, M-L. Viaud, A. Saulnier, P. Altendorf, B. Schröter, M. Elser, A. Rego, A. Rodriguez, C. Martínez, I. Etxaniz, G. Dupont, B. Grilhères, N. Martin, N. Boujemaa, A. Joly, R. Enficiaud, A. Verroust-Blondet, S. Selmi, M. Khadhraoui, in Proc. of NIST TRECVID Workshop, 2009 pdf
[4] A. Joly, J. Law-to, N. Boujemaa, “INRIA-IMEDIA TRECVID 2008: Video Copy Detection”, in NIST TRECVID 2008 notebook papers, 2008 pdf
[5] N.Boujemaa, M. Ferecatu, ” Mining Multimedia documents by visual content”, Numero special “Ambient Intelligence“, ERCIM News – N°48 ,Octobre 2001.