Release v2.0.0

Dear all,

Release v2.0.0 of the PaMPA software is now available.

PaMPA is a software library for handling unstructured meshes in parallel, on distributed memory architectures. PaMPA speeds-up and eases the writing of scientific solvers that implement compact schemes and models, by providing abstractions of mesh entities (e.g. elements, faces, edges, nodes, etc.) and their interrelations.

The core library of PaMPA 2.0.0 (PaMPA-Core) is freely downloadable from, under the GPL licence.

The parallel remeshing extension module of PaMPA 2.0.0 (PaMPA-Remesh) is available at no cost under a proprietary, evaluation licence valid for 30 days. Please contact us in order to benefit from this offer.

PaMPA-Remesh runs concurrently multiple sequential remeshing tasks to perform dynamic parallel remeshing and redistribution of very large unstructured meshes. E.g., it can remesh a tetrahedral mesh from 200 million elements to 1 billion elements in 10 minutes on 120 Broadwell procs, using the Mmg sequential tetrahedral remesh.
This final mesh was used for an industrial simulation.

Cédric Lachat & François Pellegrini.

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