Watch the French version of the video.
Predicting Frost Events
A frost event happens when the temperature is so low that the crops cannot recover their tissue or internal structure from the effects of water freezing inside or outside the plant. For the peach production, a critical period is when the trees are in bloom and fruit set (Aug./Sept. in Mendoza), during which the temperature needs to be kept above 3° C. Even a few hours below that temperature causes flowers to fall, preventing fruits to grow.
The goal of the project is to predict frost events in peach orchards by using dense monitoring using low-power wireless mesh networking technology. Off-the-shelf commercial solutions are available today which offer >99.999% end-to-end data reliability and a decade of battery lifetime. We deploy low-power wireless mesh networks of temperature, relative humidity and soil moisture sensors directly into the orchard. We use machine learning and pattern recognition to build a micro-climate predictive model by continuously analyzing the gathered sensor data in real time, and issue early frost warnings.
April Deployment, day 4
11 April 2016, Mendoza, Argentina. Today is the big deployment day! We are back at INTA Junin to deploy our sensor network. We have a grand total of 22 motes: 4 long-range prototypes, 2 motes with external antennas, and 16 motes with chip antennas. We started by running Keoma’s RangeTest SmartMesh SDK…
April Deployment, day 3
10 April 2016, Mendoza, Argentina. Second day at the lab, and everything is starting to fall together! We reprogrammed all the motes with the default SmartMesh IP firmware, and configured each to report temperature every 30s. We are now done putting the motes, batteries and antennas in the boxes, and…
April Deployment, day 2
April Deployment, day 1
8 April 2016, Mendoza, Argentina. Today, we went with the whole team to the INTA Junin experimental agricultural station to visit the orchard in which we will deploy our low-power wireless mesh network. We started by some presentations to highlight the problem we are addressing and the technology we are using. The orchard we…
Hackathon at IETF95!
7 April 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The entire team is at the IETF95 meeting in Buenos Aires on 4-7 April 2016 for a Hackathon. We are doing a BUNCH of work, including finalizing the hardware integration, fine-tuning the back-end system, presenting the capabilities… and enjoying marvelous Buenos Aires!