To measure the performance of PLASMA’s simulation engine applied to systems biology, we constructed plausible biological models of increasing complexity using the genetic oscillator of (Vilar, Kueh, Barkai, Leibler 2002) as a building block.
Here is the genosc1 model. This model is in the Reactive Module Languages.
// Based on genetic oscillator of Vilar, Kueh, Barkai, Leibler PNAS 2002
const int MAX_VALUE = 10000;
const int alpha_A = 50;
const int Alpha_A = 500;
const double alpha_R = 0.01;
const int Alpha_R = 50;
const int beta_A = 50;
const int beta_R = 5;
const int delta_MA = 10;
const double delta_MR = 0.5;
const int delta_A = 1;
const double delta_R = 0.2;
const int gamma_A = 1;
const int gamma_R = 1;
const int gamma_C = 2;
const int theta_A = 50;
const int theta_R = 100;
module genosc1
DA : [0..MAX_VALUE] init 1;
D_A : [0..MAX_VALUE] init 0;
DR : [0..MAX_VALUE] init 1;
D_R : [0..MAX_VALUE] init 0;
MA : [0..MAX_VALUE] init 0;
MR : [0..MAX_VALUE] init 0;
A : [0..MAX_VALUE] init 0;
R : [0..MAX_VALUE] init 0;
C : [0..MAX_VALUE] init 0;
[] true -> DA*alpha_A : (MA’=MA+1);
[] true -> A*DA*gamma_A : (DA’=DA-1) & (D_A’=D_A+1) & (A’=A-1);
[] true -> D_A*Alpha_A : (MA’=MA+1);
[] true -> DR*alpha_R : (MR’=MR+1);
[] true -> D_R*Alpha_R : (MR’=MR+1);
[] true -> MA*beta_A : (A’=A+1);
[] true -> MR*beta_R : (R’=R+1);
[] true -> A*R*gamma_C : (A’=A-1) & (R’=R-1) & (C’=C+1);
[] true -> C*delta_A : (R’=R+1) & (C’=C-1);
[] true -> A*delta_A : (A’=A-1);
[] true -> R*delta_R : (R’=R-1);
[] true -> MA*delta_MA : (MA’=MA-1);
[] true -> MR*delta_MR : (MR’=MR-1);
[] true -> D_R*theta_R : (DR’=DR+1) & (D_R’=D_R-1) & (A’=A+1);
[] true -> A*DR*gamma_R : (DR’=DR-1) & (D_R’=D_R+1) & (A’=A-1);
[] true -> D_A*theta_A : (DA’=DA+1) & (D_A’=D_A-1) & (A’=A+1);
Here is our model in Biological language.
constant alphaA=50,alpha_A=500,alphaR=0.01,alpha_R=50,betaA=50,betaR=5 // enzymatic
constant gammaA=1,gammaR=1,gammaC=2 // bimolecular
constant deltaA=1,deltaR=0.2,deltaMA=10,deltaMR=0.5,thetaA=50,thetaR=100// decay
species DA=1,D_A,DR=1,D_R,MA,MR,A,R,C
A + DA gammaA-> D_A
D_A thetaA-> A + DA
A + DR gammaR-> D_R
D_R thetaR-> A + DR
D_A alpha_A-> MA + D_A
DA alphaA-> MA + DA
D_R alpha_R-> MR + D_R
DR alphaR-> MR + DR
MA betaA-> MA + A
MR betaR-> MR + R
A + R gammaC-> C
C //deltaA
0.5-> R
A deltaA-> *
R deltaR-> *
MA deltaMA-> *
MR deltaMR-> *
//plot A,R,C
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