Motion Planning

PLASMA-lab has been integrated in the DALi project in a novel motion planning application of SMC. This work was done by Alessio Colombo, Axel Legay, Luigi Palopoli and Sean Sedwards.
DALi aims to develop an autonomous device to help those with impaired ability to negotiate complex crowded environments (e.g. shopping malls). High level constraints and the objectives of the user are expressed in temporal logic, while low level behaviour is predicted by the ‘social force model’. The efficiency and exibility of PLASMA-lab allow it to be used in the real time control loop of the motion planner.

Control loop of DALI motion planner

The algorithm uses static information (the physical layout) and dynamical information provided by sensors (the position of other people and temporary obstructions) to quantify the performance of hypothesised alternative trajectories.
PLASMA-lab was integrated with MATLAB to speed the development of the prototype algorithm. The final version has been implemented on embedded hardware and finds the optimum trajectory in a fraction of a second.

Motion planning, Social Force Model Only, Alessio Colombo, University of Trento

Motion planning, Plasma Lab and Social Force Model, Alessio Colombo, University of Trento

DALi Final Review

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