PPNIV20 live streaming program on October 25th 2020 (Las Vegas local time)
Live streaming: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88177431475?pwd=QkRhTnF5UlIxekg5VnBkbm1WYkUyQT09, Password 650864
7:50 Opening (Christian Laugier and Denis Wolf)
8:00 Keynote 1: Wolfram Burgart (TRI, USA), Self-Supervised Learning for Perception Tasks in Automated Driving (slides), Streaming
8:45 Keynote 2: Daniela Rus (MIT, USA), Understanding Risk and Social Behavior Improves Decision Making for Autonomous Vehicles (slides), Streaming
9:30 Keynote 3: Mohan Trivedi (USCD, USA), Safe Autonomous Driving and humans: Perception and Transitions (slides), Streaming
10:15 Keynote 4: Evangelos Theodorou (GeorgiaTech, USA), Decision Making Architectures for Safe Planning and Control of Agile Autonomous Vehicles (slides), Streaming