Workshop on Resource Arbitration for Dynamic Runtimes (RADR)

The question of efficient dynamic allocation of compute-node resources, such as cores, by independent libraries or runtime systems can be an nightmare. Scientists writing application components have no way to efficiently specify and compose resource-hungry components. As application software stacks become deeper and the interaction of multiple runtime layers compete for resources from the operating system, it has become clear that intelligent cooperation is needed. Resources such as compute cores, in-package memory, and even electrical power must be orchestrated dynamically across application components, with the ability to query each other and respond appropriately. A more integrated solution would reduce intra-application resource competition and improve performance. Furthermore, application runtime systems could request and allocate specific hardware assets and adjust runtime tuning parameters up and down the software stack.

The goal of this workshop is to gather and share the latest scholarly research from the community working on these issues, at all levels of the HPC software stack. This include thread allocation, resource arbitration and management, containers, and so on, from runtime-system designers to compilers. We will also use panel sessions and keynote talks to discuss these issues, share visions, and present solutions.

How to submit

Papers, in PDF format should be submitted through easychair. Papers must be formatted the same way as IPDPS papers : submitted manuscripts may not exceed ten (10) single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5×11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references. The IEEE conference template that can be found here.

New: we also accept short abstracts or 4 pages short papers in order to foster discussion on the workshop topics.


Because of the uncertainty due to COVID 19 crisis, the workshop will be help virtually.

Important dates

Submission deadline: Feb 8, 2022 (AOE).
Author Notification: March 8, 2022.
Camera ready: March 14, 2022.
Workshop Date: Friday June 3, 2022.

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