- Transfer Restless Multi-Armed Bandit Policy for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Cellular Network
- Adaptive Wavelet Packet Modulation
- Dispositif de communication à modulation temps-fréquence adaptative
- Quantifying the Memory Effects of Power Amplifiers: EVM Closed-Form Derivations of Multicarrier Signals
- Spectral Analysis of Predistorted Non-Linear Amplified Multicarrier Signals
- QoS driven Channel Selection Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Network: Multi-User Multi-armed Bandit Approach
- Energy Minimization in HARQ-I Relay-Assisted Networks with Delay-limited Users
- Procédé d’accès opportuniste au spectre
- Asymptotic Analysis of Area Spectral Efficiency and Energy Efficiency in PPP Networks with SLNR Precoder
- Compromis efficacités énergétique et spectrale du précodeur SLNR dans un réseau cellulaire aléatoire
- Apprentissage machine pour l’optimisation énergétique des réseaux cellulaires hétérogènes sans-fil : une approche bandit à bras multiples
- Proof-of-Concept: Spectrum and Energy Efficient Multi-User CR Network via Vacancy and Quality based Channel Selection
- Identifying Channel Saturation in Wi-Fi Networks via Passive Monitoring of IEEE 802.11 Beacon Jitter
- WMSP: Bringing the Wisdom of the Crowd to WiFi Networks
- DCT-OFDM with Index Modulation
- A Precoding-based PAPR Reduction Technique for UF-OFDM and Filtered-OFDM Modulations in 5G Systems
- Low-PAPR Conditions for 5G-candidate waveforms
- Spectral Analysis of Predistorted Non-Linear Amplifies Multicarrier Signals
- Expression Analytique du spectre pour les signaux multiporteuses : impact conjoint des non-linéarité de l’amplificateur de puissance et de la fonction de prédistortion
- Reducing the Energy Footprint of Cellular Networks with Delay-Tolerant Users
- Wavelet modulation: An alternative modulation with low energy consumption
- Efficient Learning in Stationary and Non-stationary OSA Scenario with QoS Guaranty
- A New Evaluation Criteria for Learning Capability in OSA Context
- Spectrum Utilization and Reconfiguration Cost Comparison of Various Decision Making Policies for Opportunistic Spectrum Access Using Real Radio Signals
- Hybrid UCB-HMM: A Machine Learning Strategy for Cognitive Radio in HF Band
- Wavelet-OFDM vs. OFDM: Performance Comparison
- Adaptive Tone Reservation for better BER Performance in a Frequency Selective Fading Channel
- La modulation en ondelettes: une modulation alternative à faible consommation d’énergie
- How to wake up an access point?
- Toward Energy Proportional Networks
- Energy-Efficiency Optimization of the High Power Amplifier for Multicarrier Systems: Analytical EVM Derivation
- EVM Derivation of Multicarrier Signals to Determine the Operating Point of the Power Amplifier Considering Clipping and Predistortion
- Energy Efficiency-Area Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff in PPP Network with SLNR Precoder
- Machine Learning for Opportunistic Spectrum Access with Energy Consumption Constraint
- Power Spectral Density Limitations of the Wavelet-OFDM System
- Modified Tone Reservation for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems
- A Necessary Condition for Waveforms with Better PAPR than OFDM
- Optimal Operating Point of the Power Amplifier with respect to the EVM for TV broadcasting applications
- Upper Confidence Bound learning approach for real HF measurements
- L’optimalité de l’OFDM en termes de performance en PAPR
- Symmetrical EEG-FMRI Imaging by Sparse Regularization
- The Smart Grid and Future Mobile Networks: Integrating Renewable Energy Sources and Delay Tolerant Users
- Minimal Access Point Set in Urban Area Wifi Networks
- Changing paradigms for green cellular networks: The case of delay-tolerant users
- Apprentissage machine orienté QoS pour l’accès opportuniste au spectre
- Expression analytique de l’EVM pour les signaux multiporteuses : impact conjoint des non linéarités de l’amplificateur de puissance et de la fonction de prédistorsion
- Impact of Clipping on EVM of the Predistorted Non-Linear Amplified Multicarrier Signals
- EVM Derivation for Multicarrier Signals: Joint Impact of Non-Linear Amplification and predistortion
- Reconfigurable Filter Bank With Complete Control Over Subband Bandwidths for Multistandard Wireless Communication Receivers
- Low Complexity and Efficient Decentralized Spectrum Learning and Access With Tunable Bandwidth for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks
- Energy Efficiency-Spectral Efficiency Tradeoff in Interference-Limited Wireless Networks with Shadowing
- QoS driven Channel Selection Algorithm for Opportunistic Spectrum Access
- Closed-form approximations of the peak-to-average power ratio distribution for multi-carrier modulation and their applications
- Adaptive clipping for a deterministic PAPR. ICTRS, Luxembourg
- Experimental Performance Comparison and Analysis for Various MAB Problems under Cognitive Radio Framework
- Closed-form Approximations of the PAPR Distribution for Multi-Carrier Modulation Systems
- A PAPR upper bound of generalized waveforms for multi-carrier modulation systems
- Editorial : Special issue on Green Radio
- Human Mobility Patterns in Cellular Networks. Communications Letters, IEEE (Volume:17 , Issue: 10 ) , 1877-1880
- On the Road Towards Green Radio
- Downlink Interference Minimization in Cooperative Cognitive LTE-Femtocell Networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2013, 2013:194