Collaboration between Inria and LNCC



Inria, the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology, and LNCC, the Brazilian National Scientific Computing Laboratory, have a long history of scientific cooperation through students and researchers exchanges, joint research projects and also workshops and conferences. In 2020 they have decided to strengthen and enhance their partnership and signed a new agreement.

The ambition of this collaboration between Inria and LNCC is to develop the Franco-Brazilian research relationship in the field of scientific computing, computer science and data science in both fundamental and applied research. More specifically, research focuses on HPC (High Performance Computing), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Some application domains have been identified, in particular: energy, healthcare, environment, biology, medicine, agronomy, nano technologies, smart cities, etc.

Inria is also involved in a multitude of different types of collaborations (Associated Teams, STIC&Math AmSud Programs, European projects, etc.) with Brazilian university partners.

About the partners


LNCC (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica) represents a technological development research unit of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI). It represents the first Brazilian institution in the field of Scientific Computing and Computational Modeling. Composed by a broad body of highly qualified researchers with various specializations (mathematics, physical sciences, computer science, …) it is also an academic institution of excellence in the field of digital techniques and advanced computing at both Master and Doctoral levels. This institution also has the most powerful IT resources in Latin America, enabling it to develop an excellence that it provides to the scientific community as well as to Brazilian industry.

More specifically, Inria collaborates with three laboratories at LNCC:

  • LABINFO (National Bioinformatic Laboratory): this laboratory is composed by interdisciplinary researchers (in biology, computer science and mathematics). They work at developing statistic and computational methods in order to be applied in Bioinformatic and Computational Biology areas.
  • DEXL (Data Extreme Lab): this research group works on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.
  • IPES (Innovative Parallel finite Element Solvers): this LNCC research group aims to develop, analyze and validate new multiscale numerical models and methods through modern mathematical and computational techniques and strategies for us in massively parallel architectures, contributing to the development of state-of-the-art scientific research and training of humain resources with a strong multidisciplinary character.


Inria is the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology in France. Its identity is defined by world-class research, technologic innovation and entrepreneurial risk. This institution focuses on computer sciences but also applied mathematics. Working directly with the industry society, it puts its excellence at the service of the well-being of society.

Beyond its partnership with LNCC, Inria is involved in multiple collaborations of various kinds with 21 Brazilian universities.

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